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2 This is Ares the god

3 There are 4 main story’s of him
Founding the city of Thebes. His affair with Aphrodite. Incident with the two giants. Last but not least, his part in the Trojan War

4 Founding the City of Thebes
Ares was the father of the water dragon, but the water dragon was slain by Cadmus. The dragons teeth were sown into the ground growing fully grown Spartans. These Spartans were said to be the offspring of Ares.

5 Cadmus married Ares daughter Harmonia.
Including the newly grown Spartans The city of Thebes was now founded by Ares.

6 Affair with Aphrodite Ares was reputed as loving Aphrodite the best.
Although Aphrodite was married to Hephaistos he had a secret affair with her. After awhile that secret came to be not such a secret.

7 Ares was caught in an embarrassing position with Aphrodite and all the gods came down to watch.
Even after that he continued the affair with her. He even went to the extent of killing one of her other lovers Adonis in boar form.

8 This is a picture of Aphrodite

9 The giants Two giants, Otus and Ephialtes locked Ares inside of an urn. He was locked inside of that urn for 13 months. He almost died being inside that urn for that long until…

10 The god Hermes came to rescue him.
The two giants were then tricked into killing each other by The god Artemis.

11 Ares in the Trojan War Ares took part in battle fighting for the Trojans. He was a lot of help up until the god Athena threw a huge boulder on him. The boulder thrown on him damaged him greatly.

12 The boulder that crushed Ares

13 Two pictures of what he looks like.

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