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Jumpstart 4 sentences What is a myth? Do you know of any myths? If you do not know what a myth is look it up in dictionary. Word of the Day: Herculean-

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Presentation on theme: "Jumpstart 4 sentences What is a myth? Do you know of any myths? If you do not know what a myth is look it up in dictionary. Word of the Day: Herculean-"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jumpstart 4 sentences What is a myth? Do you know of any myths? If you do not know what a myth is look it up in dictionary. Word of the Day: Herculean-

2 Myth: traditional, typically ancient story dealing with supernatural beings, ancestors, or heroes that serves as a fundamental type in the worldview of a people, as by explaining aspects of the natural world or delineating the psychology, customs, or ideals of society. A popular belief or story that has become associated with a person, institution, or occurrence, especially one considered to illustrate a cultural ideal

3 Titans Mother Earth (Gaea) and Father Heaven (Uranus) had two types of children: Titan children and monster children. The Titans were beautiful, enormous, and strong. The monsters were, well, monsters. Uranus did not like his monster children so he locked them under ground in the darkest part of the earth.

4 Cronus And Rhea Mother Earth was heartbroken and asked her youngest son, Cronus to rescue his ugly siblings. As a reward for helping his mother, Cronus was rewarded rule of heaven and earth with his sister, Rhea. Cronus and Rhea married and had six childern. Cronus heard a rumor that one of his future children would over throw him. So every time Rhea showed Cronus a baby he would eat it. New meaning to the word baby food, huh?

5 Rock Baby When Rhea had her sixth child she was eager to save at least one. So, she wrapped a rock in a blanket instead of the baby and gave it to Cronus. Rhea then sent her son, Zeus to the island of Crete to be raised. When Zeus was grown him and his mother over threw his father and made him vomit up his brother and sisters, now fully grown. Zeus divided up the world between his brothers and sister

6 The Olympians Zeus Hera Poseidon Hades Hestia Demeter Aphrodite Ares Hephaestus Apollo Artemis Hermes Dionysus Athena

7 Zeus

8 Hera

9 Poseidon

10 Hades

11 Hestia

12 Demeter

13 Athena

14 Aphrodite

15 Ares

16 Hepaestus

17 Apollo

18 Artemis

19 Hermes- God of Trade, Travel, and Theft

20 Dionysus

21 Imagine you are living during ancient Greek times. Choose a force of nature or human emotion that seems puzzling. Invent a name for a god or goddess who will represent this force of nature or emotion, and draw a picture of him or her. Also, write a description of your god or goddess, including physical appearance, personality, and behavior.

22 Ticket out the Door What Olympian would you like to the be? Why?

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