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ReCAP Collections Analysis: East Asian Library

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1 ReCAP Collections Analysis: East Asian Library
Zack Lane ReCAP Coordinator 8/18/09

2 Answers to Basic Questions
How many books transferred? What is retrieval rate? Where are EA collections delivered? EA in overall picture of ReCAP? What titles are high use? Who is using EA off-site collections? What data are available to look at?

3 Accession Statistics In FY09 East Asian transferred 34,067 items to ReCAP East Asian has accessioned 408,669 items since ReCAP opened in 2002 This accounts for 12% of CUL’s total holdings at ReCAP EA began transferring special collections in April 2009 (archives) Almost 2/3 of East Asian collections are now at ReCAP

4 Accessions FY09

5 East Asian Accessions

6 Accessions FY02-FY09

7 Retrievals Total retrievals increase every year and fluctuate correlating to academic calendar Total deliveries of off-site EA collections to CUL departments FY09 : 7,963 FY02-FY09 : 41,231 92% delivered EA collections delivered to campus come to EA circ desk

8 Campus-wide Retrievals: off,eal and off,eax

9 EA Collections Delivered to Campus

10 Total deliveries of CUL off-site collections to EA circ desk
FY09 : 7,136 FY02-FY09 : 36,054 84% of deliveries to EA circ desk are EA collections

11 Off-site Deliveries to EA Circ

12 Delivery Destination of Off-site EA Collections

13 Retrieval Rate Retrieval rate is percentage of off-site collections requested per year CUL intends to transfer low-use material to ReCAP Retrieval rate helps estimate proper staffing model at ReCAP facility Target retrieval rate is 2.0%

14 Retrieval Rate

15 Retrieval Rate for EA Collections

16 EA Off-site Holdings by Language

17 Retrieval by Language

18 Retrievals by Patron Group: FY08-FY09

19 EDD Requests EDD requests account for 4.23% of total requests for EA collections Slightly lower than system-wide 5.56% EDD requests for EA collections increased beginning in FY05 Since FY05 EDD request volume has remained relatively steady

20 PHYS vs EDD Requests for EA Collections

21 PHYS vs. EDD System-wide

22 Monthly EDD Requests for EA Collections

23 High Use Titles High Use title is defined as any title requested 5 or more times There is no mechanism to de-accession high use titles and return them to onsite shelving 41,231 requests for 12,021 unique titles; average retrieval per title: 3.4 (System-wide 1.87) 1,541 titles have 5+ requests High use titles account for 63.1% of request volume High use titles are equally monographic and serial

24 High Use Titles by Format

25 Highest Use Titles

26 Circulation Voyager circulation statistics show use by CLIO location
Request data include Patron Group

27 Available Data Accessions Retrievals Deliveries Circulation
ReCAP : customer code CUL : granular data Retrievals Deliveries ReCAP : breakdown by customer code Circulation CUL : Active charges, discharges, CLIO location, Happening Location

28 Data Sources Bibliographic Record Statistics: Circulation Statistics: ReCAP Statistics: (DRAFT)

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