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gcom343 | elements dot line shape value color texture

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Presentation on theme: "gcom343 | elements dot line shape value color texture"— Presentation transcript:

1 gcom343 | elements dot line shape value color texture the visual ingredients

2 gcom343 | elements dot line shape value color texture the minimal visual unit, pointer, marker of space when you put a bunch of these together, you get a…

3 gcom343 | elements dot line shape value color texture the fluid articulator of form arrange these together in a number of ways and you get…

4 there are three basic shapes: square, circle, triangle
gcom343 | elements dot line shape value color texture there are three basic shapes: square, circle, triangle DIRECTION is the thrust of movement that incorporates and reflects the character of basic shapes, circular, diagonal, perpendicular. fill these shapes with any tone from black to white for…

5 gcom343 | elements dot line shape value color texture the presence or absence of light, by which we see fill these shapes with hues and start seeing the world in living…

6 gcom343 | elements dot line shape value color texture coordinate of tone with added component of chroma, the most expressive visual element now add touchy, feely stuff…

7 gcom343 | elements dot line shape value color texture surface character of visual materials put ALL together and you get…

8 gcom343 | elements OUR VISUAL WORLD!

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