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What would we usually do now

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1 What would we usually do now
What would we usually do now?...(take notes) and What would we usually start with? (characteristics) I want you to form small groups of 2, 3 or 4 and predict based on your knowledge of previous domains and kingdoms we have studied, what characteristics plants will have in common with each other.

2 Introduction to Plants
Biology II –

3 Characteristics Plants are … Multicellular Eukaryotic Autotrophic by…
True nucleus and complex, membrane bound organelles Autotrophic by… Photosynthesis Autotrophic- any organism capable of self-nourishment by using inorganic materials as a source of nutrients and using photosynthesis or chemosynthesis as a source of energy.

4 Characteristics (continued)
Cell wall Composed of cellulose Cuticle Waxy covering- prevent water loss Terrestrial-found on land(some exceptions) Non-motile Fixed in one place – don’t move Seaweed, kelp, algae – not true plants – (protists)

5 Alternation of generations
Two phases of life cycle Gametophyte – 1n or haploid… …(1 set of chromosomes) plant stage that produces sex cells Sporophyte – 2n or diploid… …(2 sets of chromosomes) plant stage that produces spores that grow into organisms (gametophytes)

6 Alternation of generations (cont.)
a haploid gametophyte produces gametes. Gametes unite and give rise to a diploid sporophyte. Through meiosis, the sporophyte produces haploid spores, which develop into gametophytes.

7 Summary-Plant characteristics
Multicellular Eukaryotic Photosynthetic autotrophs Cell wall – cellulose Cuticle Terrestrial Non-motile Alternation of generations – (life cycle)

8 Plants video –Bozeman science

9 Embryophytes All plants have a stage in their life cycle where they have a protected embryo (early sporophyte) This distinguishes them from their algal ancestors The Embryophytes nurture their young embryo sporophyte in the early stages of its development

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