Learner name:   Assessor name: D Roczniak Issue date: 30/10/17

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1 Learner name: Assessor name: D Roczniak Issue date: 30/10/17 Submission date: 12/11/17 Submitted on: Programme: NQF Applied science Level 3 Extended Diploma Unit: Unit 6: Investigative Project Assignment reference and title: Assignment 1: Project Research


3 Sunday 26th November, Midnight
Qualification BTEC Level 3 National Diploma in Applied Science BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma in Applied Science Unit number and title Unit 6: Investigative Project Learning aim(s) (For NQF only) B: Produce a plan for an investigative project based on the proposal Assignment title Project planning Assessor Ms Roczniak Issue date 13th November Hand in deadline Sunday 26th November, Midnight

4 D2 M3 P3 Criteria covered by this task: Unit/Criteria reference
To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to: D2 Analyse the effectiveness of the working plan, justifying changes made. M3 Produce a realistic working plan for the project, including health and safety and risk assessments and contingency planning. P3 safety and risk assessments.

5 Timeline for your Project
Start Date – B block 20/11/17 (Date that you will complete your G Block 21/11/17 preliminary test) Completion Date: - 17/12/17 (Date that the last assignment is due in)

6 Timeline for your Project - milestones
Carry out experiment – B block 27/11/17 G Block 28/11/17 Processing results Drawing a graph Statistically Analysing results Concluding findings Evaluating findings

7 Hypothesis and Prediction
You can copy and paste your hypothesis and prediction from your project proposal. Check that your prediction is in the correct format, use the examples in your booklet to help you.

8 Variables Restate your independent and dependent variables from your project proposal. Include units for each one: Volume – cm3 Length – cm Mass – grams Time – seconds pH – pH (!)

9 Control Variables – pick relevant ones for you
Volume of hydrogen peroxide (cm3) Volume of water added to the potato (cm3) Length of potato added to water (cm) Concentration of hydrogen peroxide (M) Volume of pH buffer added to hydrogen peroxide (cm3) Time taken to collect oxygen gas (minutes) Time filter paper is soaked in potato catalase (seconds)

10 Picking Equipment For Measuring Volume Measuring cylinder Pipette
Syringe For Measuring Mass Balance Miscellaneous Bung Tubing Filter paper discs Forceps Stopwatch For placing liquids in Test tube Boiling tube Conical flask beaker For crushing/cutting Pestle and Mortar Scalpel For Measuring Length ruler

11 Writing a plan Very detailed In third person
Including volumes and pieces of equipment to be used Including concentrations and full names of chemicals to be used

12 Why is a detailed plan important?
Vague plan: Different amounts Different times Different execution Different result NOT RELIABLE GBBO

13 Independent variable + units
1 2 3 Mean

14 Things which MUST be changed:
2 Molar hydrogen peroxide not 2.5 Molar 2/3 cm potato in 5 ml water Do pH 8 first then work your way down to pH 4 Do not grind/blender liver – it will dilute the catalase, weigh mass and cut into small pieces

15 Contingency Planning – Merit level work
A plan or action designed to be introduced in response to circumstances which may or may not actually happen. ‘Plan B’

16 What will you do if… You can not complete all of your investigation including repeats in the allocated time frame? Your paper disc does not react when placed in the hydrogen peroxide and does not rise? There is contamination in your mortar when crushing the potato? The paper disc does not rise in pH 4? There is little or no oxygen produced after adding hydrogen peroxide to the potato in the conical flask?

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