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Introduction to BC First Nations

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1 Introduction to BC First Nations
Learners will be able to: Identify the Regions of BC Identify Nations on a physical map Differentiate regional characteristics Understand key terms: -resource unit -seasonal rounds -Indigenous World View -Elders -ethnocentrism -eurocentrism -colonization

2 Unique Regional Characteristics
South Int. North Int. Coast: -very structured gov’t -Class system -Hierarchy -Hereditary Chiefs -no class system -some nations democratic chiefs -others hereditary chiefs -very flexible system -highly nomadic -large extended fam North E. Very similar

3 Resource Units -Large extended families or groups
-have control over resources in an area -ex: salmon area, hunting area, berry area etc. - caretakers of land/resources

4 Seasonal Rounds -moving from location to location gathering resources as they become available -each nation had different seasonal rounds -months (time of the year) named after resources  ex: June: salmon – berry ex: July: sockeye


6 Elders -greatly respected by ALL -have many significant roles
-primary source of generational knowledge -have intimate knowledge of culture and traditions -must earn the right to be an “Elder” -Elder is always capitalized Jeanette Armstrong

7 Indigenous World View -holistic  physical, emotional, mental, spiritual -community based -deeply connected to the land -interconnectedness -respect for everything -take only what you need -wealth is how much is given

8 Key Terms – Framing the Course
Ethnocentrism: - When people believe their world view is the only correct view or better than others -can result in: -stereotypes -negative attitudes -misunderstandings -racism -conflicts or even wars

9 Key Terms – Framing the Course
Eurocentrism: -same as ethnocentrism except… -when Europeans believed their world view is better than any other -resulted in:  global attempts at spreading European world view

10 Key Terms – Framing the Course
Colonization: -the practice of invading other lands and territories for the purpose of: -settlement -resource extraction Result: -destruction of traditional way of life

11 “we must find new lands from which we can easily obtain raw materials and at the same time exploit the cheap slave labour that is available from the natives of the colonies. The colonies would also serve as a dumping ground from the surplus goods produced in our factories” Cecil Rhodes, British Colonial Official, 19th Century


13 Africa Example Bob Marley - War

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