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Collectivist Perspective

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1 Collectivist Perspective
Collectivism refers to the government providing welfare to the people. Welfare includes things like health provision, housing, education, social services etc.

2 Collectivist Perspective
William Beveridge identified ‘5 giant evils’ in Britain during the 2nd World War. These were: Want (Poverty) Disease (Ill-Health) Ignorance (Inadequate Education) Idleness (Unemployment) Squalor (Poor Housing) After the war, there was a cross-party agreement that the government would take a collective responsibility to address these issues During the 2nd World War, a man called Beveridge was employed to address the issues of England. He identified ‘5 giant evils’

3 Collectivist Perspective
Collectivists recognise that there are vulnerable people in society who cannot provide for themselves, eg the old, ill, disabled, children etc Collectivists believe that the ‘welfare state’ should be paid for by taxes, this is called Keynesian Economics Children are vulnerable and cannot look after themselves. The government provides child benefit to the parent/guardian and provides free education

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