Unit 2 Academic Vocabulary

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1 Unit 2 Academic Vocabulary
Determine Compose Establish Integrate Utilize Sequence Verify Clarify Objective Narrative Summary Engage Central Idea Supporting Ideas/Details Figurative Language Plot Characters Setting Internal Conflict External Conflict Theme Suspense Connotative Denotative Word Roots Affixes Blog

2 How/When would you use this word outside of school?
Definition: conversation between two or more people as a feature of a book, play, or movie. Synonyms: conversation, discussion, interchange, discourse, talk Antonyms: silence, non communication, monologue, soliloquy E X A M P L “What do you say, old chap?” “I believe we should stick to plan A!” V IS U A L “Indeed!” Dialogue (Noun) How/When would you use this word outside of school? Outside of school, dialogue occurs between parents and children when homework and chores are being discussed. How is this word used in an academic setting? Academically, dialogue would be used when I am writing a narrative and I would like two or more of my characters to have a conversation. By: Your Teacher

3 Definition: To find (something) out for certain, typically as a result of research or calculation.
Synonym(s): discover, find out, calculate, deduce Antonym(s): overlook, miss Visual Example: Let’s see, who is Beyoncé? Determine (Verb) How is this word used in an academic setting? Academically, in social studies, you could determine who Abraham Lincoln was and his importance in history. You can do this by researching through the internet or in a book. How/When would you use this word outside of school? Outside of school, the state police can determine the cause of a deadly car crash by investigating and looking into the scene. Credit: Gabbie Agriam P.3

4 Definition: To write or create a work of art Synonym(s): Write, formulate, make up,produce, and invent Antonym(s): Destroy,break,demolish,raze,disarrange, ruin and scatter Visual Example: Compose (Verb) How/When would you use this word outside of school? You would use this word outside of school if you are a songwriter and you are trying to compose or create a song for your new album. Or if you are an inventor you will compose something or invent something. How is this word used in an academic setting? You would use this word in an academic setting when you are trying to compose an essay for your teacher. Jasmin Martinez p.3

5 Establish Definition: Synonym(s): Antonym(s):
set up (an organization, system, or set of rules) on a firm or permanent basis. Synonym(s): create,build,fix, provide,secure Antonym(s): change,remove,destroy,prevent Visual Example Establish Verb How/When would you use this word outside of school ? I would use establish outside of school by my parents establishing rules for myself to follow. How is this word used in an academic setting? I would use establish in an academic setting by students establishing better study habits which would result in better test scores. Isabel Castillo p.1

6 Integrate (verb) Definition: Visual Example:
combine (one thing) with another so that they become a whole. Synonyms: combine, merge, unite Antonyms: disconnect, divide, scatter Visual Example: Integrate (verb) How/ when would you use this word outside of school? You can use this word outside of school if you were baking a cake. You would integrate the eggs, flour, and sugar, to make the batter. How can this word be used in an academic setting? Academically, this word can be used in math class if I was assigned to integrate numbers, or in other words, combine like terms. Also, this word can be used academically if you were doing a project, you might integrate math and science into the project. Molly Murphy Period 3

7 to put to use; turn to profitable account Synonym(s):
Definition: to put to use; turn to profitable account Synonym(s): exploit, apply, employ, and use Antonym(s): misuse, impede Visual Example: Utilize (Verb) How is this word used in an academic setting? Academically, the word utilize would be used when you are doing a history essay about World WarⅡ. You can utilize the internet to get facts about World WarⅡfor your essay. How/When would you use this word outside of school? Outside of school, the word utilize would be used when you are sick of the cold. You can utilize medicine to get rid of your cold and feel better. By: Luis Delgadillo P.3

8 interruption, stoppage
Visual Example: Definition: a particular order in which related events, movements, or things follow each other. Synonym(s): Series, arrangement, outcome, Sequel Antonym(s): interruption, stoppage Sequence (Verb) How is this word used in an academic setting? Sequence is used in academic setting when I am writing an autobiography on someone and I have to write it in sequence of events. How/When would you use this word outside of school? I would use sequence outside of school when I am organizing books in a color or alphabetical sequence. Nathan Aguiar Per.2

9 Definition:Making sure or demonstrate that (something) is true, accurate, or justified.
Synonym(s):Confirm, prove, support, and uphold. Antonym(s): Reject and disproved. Visual Example: 6oh Verify Verb How is this word used in an academic setting? This word can be used in an academic setting if the teacher says that students must verify their answer with proof to get full credit. How/When would you use this word outside of school? This word can be use outside of school in work when cops need evidence to verify someone is guilty in court. Jose Alfredo Gonzalez period 4

10 Synonym(s): comprehendible, clear, elucidate
Definition: to make a statement or situation less confusing and more understandable Synonym(s): comprehendible, clear, elucidate Antonym(s): confusing, complex, unclear Visual Example: Clarify (verb) How is this word used in an academic setting? Clarify is used in an academic setting for when a teacher has to explain an assignment to where the students understand what has to be done. How/When would you use this word outside of school? Clarify can be used outside of school when you’re at a doctor’s office and they have to make your situation more understandable so that you know what you’re dealing with. Alejrah Cortez pd.3

11 Synonym(s):disinterested,neutral, uninvolved
Definition: not influenced by personal feeling or opinions in considering and representing facts Synonym(s):disinterested,neutral, uninvolved Antonym(s): biased, partial, prejudiced Visual Example: Objective (Point of view) Adjective How is this word used in an academic setting? The word objective is used in an academic setting when you do any scientific study and you use facts to support your own opinion. How/When would you use this word outside of school? The word objective is use outside of school when there is a jury in a court of law and you would have to be objective when it comes to deciding on a case. Maya Palato P.3

12 Definition: a spoken or written account of connected events; a story
Synonym(s): story, parables, fables, Antonym(s): non fiction books, and encyclopedias, and reports EXAMPLE VISUAL Narrative (noun) How is this word used in an academic setting? You would use this word in an academic setting when you’re explaining the different types of writings like summaries, reports, essays, and narratives. How/When would you use this word outside of school? Outside of school, you would use this word when you like to write and create narratives for fun. Sarah Gallitto P.3

13 cursory,brief,and run-through Antonym(s): long,length, and wordy
Definition: The Definition of the word summary means a brief statement or account of the main points of something. Synonym(s): cursory,brief,and run-through Antonym(s): long,length, and wordy Visual Example: Summary Noun How is this word used in an academic setting? This word is used in an academic setting in Language Arts class when we have to write summaries of stories. How/When would you use this word outside of school? I would use the word summary outside of school when I write my stories. I will give my friend a summary of my story and finish it. Erica Berg P.5

14 Engage (verb) Definition:
To occupy the attention or efforts of a person or persons Synonym(s): Interest, Absorb, & Involve Antonym(s): Discharge & Release Visual Example: Engage (verb) How is this word used in an academic setting? The word engage would be used in an academic setting when the teacher rings a bell in order to engage his or her students attention. How/When would you use this word outside of school? The word engage would be used outside of school when your mom yells your name from across the house in order to engage your attention. Elle Jarecki P.3

15 (Noun) Central/Main Idea
Definition: The most important or central thought of a paragraph or larger section of text, which tells the reader what the text is about. Synonym(s): core; crux; essence; central idea; important Antonym(s): insignificant; exterior; inessential V E I X S A U M A P L L E Central/Main Idea (Noun) How is this word used in an academic setting? Academically, central/main idea can be used when you are reading a story or book in class. You would need to find the main idea, or what the story is about by using supporting details. How/When would you use this word outside of school? Outside of school, central/main idea can be used when you you are watching a movie or reading a book. By knowing the main idea of a movie, you will enjoy it and understand it better. Finding it can be in the title, cover, or even repeated events in the movie. Shaina Villapana : Period 2

16 Supporting Ideas/ Details
Definition: descriptive words, examples, comparisons, reasons, explanations, facts and connect to the topic sentence or subject Synonym(s): Details Antonym(s): Main Idea Visual Example: Supporting Ideas/ Details (Part of Speech) How is this word used in an academic setting? In an academic setting this word might be used when a teacher ask you to use more supporting details in your essay or story. How/When would you use this word outside of school? How or when you might use this word outside of school is when you are explaining to your parents what happened at school and the ask you to use some more supporting details.. Alyssa Ayala P.4

17 Figurative Language (noun)
Definition: language that contains or uses figure of speech, especially metaphors Synonym(s): metaphoric, descriptive Antonym(s): straightforward Visual Example: Figurative Language (noun) How is this word used in an academic setting? This word is used in an academic setting when we write an article in Language Arts class. For example in my article there might be a line such as “the day was so hot you can fry an egg on the floor”. How/When would you use this word outside of school? You can see examples of Figurative Language outside of school when you might read lyrics to a song, or read a book. Tyra Ramil Period #3

18 Definition The definition of Plot is the main events of a play, novel, movie, or similar work, devised and presented by the writer as an interrelated sequence The synonyms are: Storyline, Story, Scenario,Action The antonyms are: unplanned Visual Example: climax falling action Rising action resolution exposition Created By: Axel Gutierrez Plot noun In an academic setting I would use plot when in a classroom and the teacher ask me to write a summary of a short story and she tells me to use all parts of a plot. I would use plot outside of school when me and my friends are trying to find the plot of the scary movie. Axel Gutierrez P.4

19 Characters (Noun) Definition:
a person, animal, or figure represented in a literary work Synonym(s): protagonist, antagonist Antonym(s): none E X A M P L V I S U A L Characters (Noun) How is this word used in an academic setting? This word can be used in an academic setting when a student is writing a narrative and needs to create characters that will work well with his/her story. How/When would you use this word outside of school? This word can be used outside of school on television when actor/actress is preparing for a role as a character in a show or movie. By Briana Luna

20 Definition: the place or type of surroundings where something is positioned or where an event takes place Synonym(s): location, scene or surroundings Antonym(s):none Visual Example: Setting (noun) How is this word used in an academic setting? This word could be used in an academic setting by describing where a novel takes place. Like in the Little Red Hood the setting took place in the woods. How/When would you use this word outside of school? I would use the word ‘setting’ outside of school by telling my friends where a party is at. Gabby Aguilar P.3

21 Internal Conflict (Noun)
Definition: Psychological struggle within the mind of a literary or dramatic character, the resolution of which creates the plot’s suspense. Synonym(s):interior, private, and mental Antonym(s): outer conflict, or external conflict Visual Example: Internal Conflict (Noun) How is this word used in an academic setting? Academically, this word is used when I am analysing a text or a passage and I don’t agree or disagree with the writer. How/When would you use this word outside of school? Outside of school, internal conflict would be used when your mom asks you to take out the trash, but you are deciding whether or not you should do it. Daisy Macias

22 Definition: A struggle between a literary or dramatic character and an outside force such as nature or another character, which drives the dramatic action of the plot Synonym(s): arguing, physically fighting, problem Antonym(s): Internal conflict Visual Example: External Conflict (noun) How is this word used in an academic setting? Academically, external conflict would be used in language arts when you are trying to find out if the story is going to be character vs. character, character vs. nature, or character vs. society. How/When would you use this word outside of school? I would use external conflict outside of school when I see two people physically fighting or when I'm arguing with my brother. Larissa Osorio Period 2

23 Synonym(s) Thesis, Lesson Antonym(s): None Visual Examples
Definition: Theme is defined as a main idea or an underlying meaning of a literary work that may be stated directly or indirectly Synonym(s) Thesis, Lesson Antonym(s): None Visual Examples Theme (noun) How is this word used in an academic setting? The word theme would be used in an academic setting when you are finished reading a story or an autobiography and learned a life lesson How/When would you use this word outside of school? I would use the word theme outside of school when I am discussing a really good book I read with a friend or an adult Juliana Jackson Period:5

24 Thriller, Tension, and Confusion Antonym(s): Calmness, Peace, and Ease
Definition: A state or feeling of excited or anxious uncertainty about what may happen Synonym(s): Thriller, Tension, and Confusion Antonym(s): Calmness, Peace, and Ease Visual Example: Suspense Noun How/When would you use this word outside of school? Outside of school, suspense can be used as when people go out to see a movie “The Purge”and then they have that excitement in the movie. That is why people sometimes have that suspense in the movie. How is this word used in an academic setting? Academically, suspense can be used in language art class when we read a book like “The Giver” and then have that suspense about what is going to happen in the book. Maria Garcia P.2

25 Synonym(s): Referring, suggesting, meaning
Definition: A deeper meaning to a word, and a different way to express a word emotionally. Synonym(s): Referring, suggesting, meaning Antonym(s): Denotation, explicit VISUAL EXAMPLE: CONNOTATIVE (adjective) How is this word used in an academic setting? In an academic setting this word can be used if you were writing a fictional story and you wanted to refer to someone or something, but wanted to make it unique so you would use another term or meaning for the word. How/When would you use this word outside of school? Outside of school you would use this word to describe a person. For example, “Jake is such a rat!” Rat in the sentence doesn’t mean an animal but is suggesting the idea of Jake being sneaky and rude….like a rat would act. Chloe Olsgaard P.3

26 How is this word used in an academic setting?
Definition: the literal or primary meaning of a word Synonym(s): accurate, actual, true Antonym(s): false, inaccurate, unreal Visual Example: Denotative (adjective) How is this word used in an academic setting? Academically, denotative would be used when I need to find the literal meaning of a vocabulary word in one of my classes. How/When would you use this word outside of school? Outside of school, denotative would be used when my mom or dad say a word I don’t understand, and I want to look up the primary meaning. Angela Arias Pd.2

27 Synonym(s):prefixes and suffixes Antonym(s): Root words
Visual Example: Definition: An additional element placed at the beginning or end of a root, stem, or word, or in the body of a word, to modify its meaning. Synonym(s):prefixes and suffixes Antonym(s): Root words My visual is some affixes being used in a sentence and just by themselves. Affixes (verb) How is this word used in an academic setting? Academically,I would use the word affixes when I am in class and I am writing an essay. The teacher says we have to use at least two affixes in our paragraphs. So I use the words discover(I used the affix dis) and preview (I used the affix pre). How/When would you use this word outside of school? I would use the word affixes outside of school when I am at my friends house and he want to write some invitations to his party. So he wants me to revise his work and I say "I think it needs some more affixes to make it complete". Justinn Garcia Period #4

28 Visual Example: Definition: Main part of a word that gives the basic meaning of the word. Synonym(s):Source, base, nucleus Antonym(s):Suffix, Prefix n Word Roots (noun) How is this word used in an academic setting? Word roots can be used in school when you want to find the base word without the prefix or suffix. How/When would you use this word outside of school? Word roots can be used outside of school to match a word to a suffix or prefix to make a new word. By Angel Guerrero Lopez P.4

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