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EPIC music for an EPIC Campaign!

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Presentation on theme: "EPIC music for an EPIC Campaign!"— Presentation transcript:

1 EPIC music for an EPIC Campaign!

2 What did we Deliver? $21.8 M for the Sector!
4 1.Increased Funding for Neighbourhood Houses through the NHCP 2. Increased the Number of Victorian State Government-Funded Houses (30-35) . 3. Increased support for Neighbourhood House Networks.

3 “Dear Minister Mikakos”
5 How did we campaign? Evidence Base Accurate Data NHVic Surveys ABS Political Pressure Lobbying Key Ministers, MPs marginal /key seats LGAs/Councils Sector Engagement Whole of Sector Grassroots community-based Pressure works! Awareness Media Campaign Leader/Sun Herald Rural Media Social Media Increased Sector Profile Campaigning is the only time the sector has every received any sector wide increases. Messaging Clear Concise Honest Support Materials Community Engagement Postcards “Dear Minister Mikakos” 80,000 Postcards!

4 Origin’s of Neighbourhood Houses in Victoria Women’s Movement & Neighbourhood House Activism!
Nunawading NH Footscray Women’s Learning Centre Warragul NH 1980’s: Thornbury Women’s NH Features: Grassroots Provide safe space for women Learning and connection Empowerment Campaign on key issues and for resources! On the success of this campaign, let’s take a look at where we’ve come from. heard around the NH sector that campaigning is “too political” Important to remember our history. Neighourhood Houses were born out of campaigning and activism. We have your jobs/organisations today because we stand on the shoulders of those activistis who came before. We campaign for the community not political parties! “For me, for our community, for women throughout the State, and eventually throughout the country, a movement had begun and we were part of the bigger picture”. Elsie Maude, Founder/ Coordinator, Warragul Neighbourhood House 1970’s

5 What are we really campaigning for?
Our Values! Social Justice Human Rights Inclusion and Equity Diversity By Community for Community These values apply no matter where you are in the world! Create awareness and community buy in in order to Influence decision makers Values are what we get up for in the morning for/ what we believe in and what we fight for. “Probably never been a time in this modern era when human rights, community and the need for campaigning and lobbying has been more in need! in many countries including Australia human rights are going backwards at an alarming rate. Neighbourhood Houses have a big role to play!

6 “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has” Margaret Mead Braybrook Maidstone

7 THANK YOU! You can Deliver!
Campaign Reference Group Members Past and Present NHVic Board CEO’s past and present Graphic Designer: Emily Fitzgerald EF Graphic Design Julie Johnston: Video compilation Hawker Britton: Strategic Advice Amazing Staff at NHVic but particularly Fiona Mumford: Campaign Assistant extrordinaire and David Perry, Policy & Research Officer To all the amazing Networkers who worked so hard!

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