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Purim Jeopardy color war\2008

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1 Purim Jeopardy color war\2008

2 10 pt 10 pt 10 pt 10 pt 10 pt 20 pt 20 pt 20 pt 20 pt 20 pt 30 pt
Numbers Halacha People Megilah general 10 pt 10 pt 10 pt 10 pt 10 pt 20 pt 20 pt 20 pt 20 pt 20 pt 30 pt 30 pt 30 pt 30 pt 30 pt 40 pt 40 pt 40 pt 40 pt 40 pt 50 pt 50 pt 50 pt 50 pt 50 pt

3 How long had Ahasuerus been king when he made his huge feast
How long had Ahasuerus been king when he made his huge feast? 1 year  3 years  10 years  25 years 

4 3 years

5 Q: What was the day when Haman cast lots to decide when the Jews would be killed?

6 A: The thirteenth day of the twelfth month, the month of Adar

7 . The feast for all the residents of Shushan lasted: 1 day  3 days  1 week  1 month 

8 1week .

9 . How much time was spent grooming and preparing each of the women brought to Ahasuerus's harem for her encounter with the king? 3 days  1 week  1 month  1 year 

10 1 year

11 8. Approximately how much money was Haman willing to pay in today's currency (US $) for the right to exterminate the Jews? (This requires some math and the following information: a) a talent of silver weighed about 100 lbs; b) the current spot price for an ounce of silver is approx. US $14.30) $230,000  $2.3 million  $23 million  $230 million 

12 $230 million 

13 The Seven Mitzvot of Purim

14 Megilla (ritual aspects, blessings, letter format, time of reading, obligation of women) Mesiba (Seuda), Mishloach Manot, Matanot La’evyonim, K’riat HaTorah, Al Hanissim, Prohibition on Fasting and Eulogies

15 The Holiday of Purim was established by . . .

16 Mordechai and Esther

17 How many days is Purim celebrated in yerusalaim

18 . One

19 Why we don’t say halel on Purim

20 We have the megialah

21 What we need to have in the Mesloch manot And how many

22       2 Manot to 1person

23 Esther was the daughter of ____________ .
Abraham Joseph Avichayil Methuselah    

24 Avichayil

25 How many banquets did Queen Esther
give for King Xerxes and Haman?

26 Two

27 Haman was a descendant of

28 Amalek

29 The names of Hanan ‘s sons

30 Parshandata dalfon aspata porata adalya aridata parmashta arisay ariday vayzata

31 Originally the Fast of Esther was observed from ____ to ____ .

32 The 14th of Nisan to the 16th of Nisan

33 Queen Vashti was banished because 1 she had disobeyed a royal decree  2 it was feared that she would serve as a "women's liberation" role model for all the wives in Persia  3 the King found her unattractive  4she had made a party for the women without the permission of Ahasuerus 

34 2 it was feared that she would serve as a "women's liberation" role model for all the wives in Persia 

35 Q: What did Esther say when Mordecai told her to speak up to the king

36 A: "If I must die for doing it, I will die." [Esther 4:16]

37 Q: Who were the palace guards who plotted to kill King Ahasuerus

38 A: Bigthana and Teresh [Esther 2:21]

39 Q: Who were the ones the king most often turned to for advice, the seven officials of Persia and Media?

40 Carshena, Shethar, Admatha, Tarshish, Meres, Marsena and Memucan [Esther 1:14]

41 What date is Purim celebrated in Jerusalem?

42 15 Adar

43 Ahashverosh was the king of what country?

44 king of what country? Persia

45 Pesach Purim Shavuot Chanuka
On what Jewish holiday did Esther make her banquet for King Ahasuerus and Haman? Pesach  Purim  Shavuot  Chanuka

46 Pesach

47 The king's secretaries were summoned to prepare a decree dictated by Mordechai, permitting the Jews to defend themselves against the attacks authorized by Haman, about 2 weeks after Pesach  Purim  Shavuot 

48 Shavuot

49 Why isn't G‑d's name mentioned in the Megillah?

50 Reflecting this sequence of seemingly natural events, G‑d's name is absent from the Megillah. for the mystical spin on this.

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