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2.13 Film in Context: An Authorial Study Who is Tim Burton??

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Presentation on theme: "2.13 Film in Context: An Authorial Study Who is Tim Burton??"— Presentation transcript:

1 2.13 Film in Context: An Authorial Study Who is Tim Burton??

2 Add the following words to your Vocabulary…
Look the words up in the back of your text. Glossary begins on page 438. Main Idea Theme Biography autobiography

3 Vincent by Tim burton Now let’s watch Vincent
As we watch make predictions about Burton’s style and analyze his influences

4 While we read… page As we read “Tim Burton: Wickedly funny, grotesquely humorous” mark the text for influences on Burton’s films. Answer the following questions: Summarize the writer’s topic and opinion as presented in the first two paragraphs. Underline a sentence in the first two paragraphs that COULD be the thesis. In paragraph 4, burton’s style is contrasted with the style of films produced by the Walt Disney studios. How are they different?

5 Let’s brainstorm together…
Generate a list of subjects and influences Exmaple: fairy tales

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