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PWR Endorsed diploma work group

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1 PWR Endorsed diploma work group
Colorado Department of Education – October 29, 2014

2 Work Group Objectives Identify opportunities, challenges, and best/promising practices. Develop implementation recommendations. Explore and outline resources and tools. Align skills, abilities, and knowledge that are valued by business, industry, and higher education. Outline systematic pathways for students to explore and develop these skills. Identify stakeholder connections and messages. Maintain a written record of implementation recommendations, tools and resources, best/promising practices, and relevant discussions. Misti As relevant to each topic area. Provide implementation guidance to districts. Provide definition, clarification, and relevancy to topic area. Utilize evidence-based practices to explore topic area. Understand goals and objectives for graduation guidelines and how the work group’s topic area relates. Explore how your topic should be implemented in a competency or mastery-based environment that is developmentally appropriate for students. Collaborate with other graduation guidelines work groups, as applicable. 2

3 outcomes Understand the purpose of the graduation guidelines
Outline our work group’s goals and objectives Develop a shared vision for the pwr endorsed diploma in Colorado

4 Pwr endorsed diploma work group rules of engagement and norms
Be Open-minded, inclusive and Value the contributions and talents of all group members – “It’s safe in here!” Participate with a curious, beginners mindset (we are all experts and can’t assume we already know) Acknowledge what’s working and Make clear statements about the work and its intentions Allow One speaker at a time, truly listen, and be present (Cell and -free) Respect our time and No newbies after second meeting keep All students and the diverse needs represented across the state in mind DREAM BIG and Do homework!! Come to consensus and be concrete: Do I understand the decision that is being made? Can I live with this decision? Can I publicly support this decision?

5 Agreements – The Five P’s Be...
…P20-Minded …Positive …Present …Prepared …Professional

6 Shared learning Discussion Questions

7 Select and participate in one of the following subgroups:
Shared learning Select and participate in one of the following subgroups: Policy and Definitions District Role Data, Tools, and Resources Each group will add items for scalable implementation on “Best and Promising Practices”; “Tools and Resources”; and “Recommendations”

8 Lunch

9 Shared learning Whole Group Debrief

10 Next steps Best Practices Tools and resources
Scalable implementation recommendations Schedule a Next meeting!

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