Arabidopsis and Oil Tinus, Matt, Josh, Nicole.

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Presentation on theme: "Arabidopsis and Oil Tinus, Matt, Josh, Nicole."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arabidopsis and Oil Tinus, Matt, Josh, Nicole

2 Hypothesis If the concentration of oil in the agar is increased, the growth decreases.

3 Measurements We measured the growth of the arabidopsis plant twice over a period of 2 weeks. In these measurements we measured root length, shoot length, and total length.


5 Summary For some unknown reason the 1% of oil in the agar grew more than the 0.1% of oil in the agar. The control also grew less than the 0.01% of oil in the agar.

6 Meaning of results The results show that the percentage of oil in the agar does not really have an influence on the growth of the arabidopsis.

7 Hypothesis+Results Hypothesis : If the concentration of oil in the agar is increased, the growth decreases. Our hypothesis was not correct, since the 1% of oil in the agar grew more than the 0.1%. Also the 0.01% of oil in the agar grew more than the control group.

8 Unforseen To some extent our hypothesis was correct, since the control and the 0.01% grew more than the 0.1% and the 1%. But it was wrong in the sense that the 1% grew more than the 0.1% and the 0.01% grew more than the control.

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