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USDA IT Infra-Structure Seminar

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Presentation on theme: "USDA IT Infra-Structure Seminar"— Presentation transcript:

1 USDA IT Infra-Structure Seminar
AIN Management System, Neil Hammerschmidt Animal Tracing Processing System & Veterinary Services Process Streamlining, Rich Baca Premises Registration & Exception Processing, Fred Bourgeosis

2 Existing Animal Health Databases in APHIS VS
Emergency Management Response System (EMRS) Provides system administration of FAD investigations and incident management How VS Animal Health Systems “fit” with the Private and State Animal Tracking Database

3 Existing Animal Health Databases in APHIS VS
Animal Health and Surveillance Management (AHSM) Provides system for the administration of disease programs and surveillance events How VS Animal Health Systems “fit” with the Private and State Animal Tracking Database

4 Existing Animal Health Databases in APHIS VS
Veterinary Services Process Streamlining – VSPS (Permits) Supports the management of animal and product movements that require certification by Animal Health Officials, both interstate and international. How VS Animal Health Systems “fit” with the Private and State Animal Tracking Database

5 Existing Animal Health Databases in APHIS VS
Standardized Premises Registration System (SPRS) Maintained by VS - administered by States and Tribes How VS Animal Health Systems “fit” with the Private and State Animal Tracking Database Compliant Premises Registration System (CPRS) Maintained by States or through contractual arrangement with a private company

6 Existing Animal Health Databases in APHIS VS
Premises Number Allocator SPRS and CPRS interface with the allocator to validate the location and obtain PIN How VS Animal Health Systems “fit” with the Private and State Animal Tracking Database

7 Existing Animal Health Databases in APHIS VS
National Premises Information Repository Stores information from the premises registration systems administered by States and Tribes How VS Animal Health Systems “fit” with the Private and State Animal Tracking Database

8 Premises, AIN, and animal health records transmitted to an APHIS VS database

9 Private/State Animal Tracking Databases
Animal Trace Processing System (ATPS) provides messaging capabilities with the ATDs Private/State Animal Tracking Databases Animal movement records transmitted to an ATD

10 AIN Management System Administration of Official ID Devices
USDA allocates AINs to approved manufacturers Manufacturers establish marketing agreements with AIN tag managers AIN tag managers may establish agreement with AIN tag resellers AIN tag managers and resellers distribute devices

11 AIN Management System Primary “business rule”
Premises ID required to obtain AIN device (or NPN) Entity that ships/delivers AIN devices reports info to the AINMS

12 AIN Management System
or link from NAIS home page

13 AIN Management System

14 AIN Management System The AIN management system is web based.
It has a public area that list authorized ID devices – no security log-on is required to view this. Note: to date, 840 is being used for certain disease program tags; CWD, scrapie, and TB. As mnfr submit application and become approved, the devices will be made available for use “outside” these disease programs – e.g. in the voluntary phase of NAIS. Cattle is the higher priority – also, some species WGs have not completed their recommendations The following roles require authorized access (next slide)

15 AIN Management System Methods of ID Species specific
Visual ID – de facto standard for some species, e.g., cattle Minimum Requirement One-time use Readability, Durability Supplemental ID Options for other technologies The method of identification is species-specific. For example, in cattle and other species that use eartags, the defacto standard is a visual eartag with the “840” number imprinted on the tag. The U.S. Shield will be imprinted on all “840” tags, and when possible, “Unlawful to Remove” will also be imprinted. Basic tag criteria have been established that the tag must meet, but different sizes of tags are being made available to allow flexibility to the producer since some may want a stand alone official ID tag and others may prefer a tag that can also have a herd management number written or printed on it. Just a reminder and clarification that other forms of official identification, for example tags with the State series number (or uniform tagging system), remain official. Through the implementation of NAIS, no previously recognized identification numbers or devices were eliminated.

16 AIN Management System Methods of ID AIN Tags 4 tags approved
RFID may used as supplemental ID AINMS will list type of RFID ISO 11784/85 4 tags approved The method of identification is species-specific. For example, in cattle and other species that use eartags, the defacto standard is a visual eartag with the “840” number imprinted on the tag. The U.S. Shield will be imprinted on all “840” tags, and when possible, “Unlawful to Remove” will also be imprinted. Basic tag criteria have been established that the tag must meet, but different sizes of tags are being made available to allow flexibility to the producer since some may want a stand alone official ID tag and others may prefer a tag that can also have a herd management number written or printed on it. Just a reminder and clarification that other forms of official identification, for example tags with the State series number (or uniform tagging system), remain official. Through the implementation of NAIS, no previously recognized identification numbers or devices were eliminated.

17 AIN Management System Methods of ID AIN Injectable Transponders
Recommendation of Equine Species WG ISO 11784/85 Applications available soon The initial implementation of the animal identification component focuses on livestock that utilize visual identification tags (e.g., cattle). However, as other species groups finalize their recommendation, other methods will be authorized to use the 840 number. For example, the equine industry recently concluded their recommendation, which states: “the standard for equine identification should transition to an ISO 11784/11785 compliant RFID chip. Microchips should be implanted in the nuchal ligament on the left side, in the middle third of the neck, halfway between the ears and the withers.

18 AIN Management System

19 AIN Management System The AIN management system is web based.
It has a public area that list authorized ID devices – no security log-on is required to view this. Note: to date, 840 is being used for certain disease program tags; CWD, scrapie, and TB. As mnfr submit application and become approved, the devices will be made available for use “outside” these disease programs – e.g. in the voluntary phase of NAIS. Cattle is the higher priority – also, some species WGs have not completed their recommendations The following roles require authorized access (next slide)

20 AIN Management System The AIN management system is web based.
It has a public area that list authorized ID devices – no security log-on is required to view this. Note: to date, 840 is being used for certain disease program tags; CWD, scrapie, and TB. As mnfr submit application and become approved, the devices will be made available for use “outside” these disease programs – e.g. in the voluntary phase of NAIS. Cattle is the higher priority – also, some species WGs have not completed their recommendations The following roles require authorized access (next slide)

21 AIN Management System

22 AIN Management System Authorized Users Tag Manufacturers Tag Managers
Tag Resellers State/federal animal health authorities Requires Level 2 eAuthentication The AIN management system is web based. It has a public area that list authorized ID devices – no security log-on is required to view this. Note: to date, 840 is being used for certain disease program tags; CWD, scrapie, and TB. As mnfr submit application and become approved, the devices will be made available for use “outside” these disease programs – e.g. in the voluntary phase of NAIS. Cattle is the higher priority – also, some species WGs have not completed their recommendations The following roles require authorized access (next slide)

23 AIN Management System eAuthentication
an identity verification system used by the USDA to provide a single authorization for multiple USDA accounts. …explain what eAuth is (as noted on the slide text)


25 AIN Management System Key Functions Manage “Relationships”
Mfr nominates entity they have a marketing agreement with. AIN Tag Manager “accepts” nomination Accepts terms and conditions of an AIN tag manager May nominate an AIN Tag Reseller

26 AIN Management System Key Functions Validate PIN 012345Z

27 AIN Management System Key Functions Validate PIN 012345Z

28 AIN Management System Key Functions Report AIN Shipment
On-line Web Service (computer to computer) Information Reported 1st record from manufacture includes NAIS Product Code What AINs went to the PIN/NPN Package number provides ability to report multiple AINs efficiently

29 AIN Management System Key Functions Shipment

30 AIN Management System Key Functions

31 AIN Management System How do managers get started?
Location/office obtain a Nonproducer Participant Number (NPN) Same process as premises registration Each user at the office/location obtains an eAuthorization account Level 2 - Official photo ID validated Local Authorization Authority [FSA Office]

32 AIN Management System How do managers get started?
AIN tag manufacturer must “nominate” the potential manager. Mfr and potential AIN manager has an agreement or marketing arrangement Potential Mgr provides Mfr with their NPN Mfr. “nominates” the NPN as a manager on the AINMS

33 AIN Management System How do managers get started?
Nominated AIN tag manager logs-on to AINMS Accepts “nomination” to enable or activate that relationship Terms and condition of AIN manager role are then displayed Must accept terms and conditions (formal agreement)

34 AIN Management System How do managers get started?
Nominated AIN tag manager logs on to AINMS Completes knowledge based worksheet Passing results AIN manager’s account set to active Non-passing Try again until acceptable score

35 AIN Management System How do resellers get started?
Same process, but AIN manager nominates resellers Reseller accepts nomination of the manager

36 Thank You!

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