Stop Motion Animation Project

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1 Stop Motion Animation Project
Advanced Digital Media Spring 2018 Mr. Nicholas Goble

2 Group/Pair Assignments:
#1 (Elizabeth, Ryan, Kennedy) #9 (Lydia, Nathan, Anna) #2 (Connor, Landon) #3 (Talya, Hannah, Taylor) #4 (Chris, Alex, Andrew) #5 (Marshal, Emma, Max) #6 (Kyle, Ethan) #7 (Caroline, Bailie) #8 (Santiago, John, Matt)

3 Project Description: -As a group and on a piece of notebook paper, brainstorm & choose a topic for your 1 minute stop motion animation project -Write a summary/shortened script of your stop motion animation on the same brainstorming sheet (Grade #1) -Plan & gather your needed materials for your photos -Download the “Stop Motion Studio {Free Version}” App onto your phones -Take photos through the “Stop Motion Studio” App for your animation -Locate and save appropriate music and/sound effect files on your computer to be added to your finished project -Compile all three of these components using Adobe Premiere into your Final Stop Motion Project Images 2) Music 3) Text (Opening & Closing Title) -Export finished movie project from Adobe Premiere as a .MP4 (Use the H264 Coden when you do File>Export)

4 Stop Motion Animation Project Rubric:
-Images (Set Duration, Never Sitting on 1 Image for Too Long, No Using Ken Burns Effect) -Music (Use multiple songs & Sound Effects (3x Minimum) -Text (Use Opening & Closing Titles) -Length (Minimum 1 Minute/Maximum of 2 Minutes) -Camera (No Movement/Shakeyness, Good Staging of Items/Materials) Total Point Value of Project = 800 Points

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