The English Language (I semestre)

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Presentation on theme: "The English Language (I semestre)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The English Language (I semestre)
Topics covered during the classes: 1- Modern English and word formation: lexical innovation, internal and external processes, lexical borrowings. Morphology; inflectional morphology, derivational morphology (Fodde’s slides; Pinnavaia ch. 3, pp ; Nelson ch. 5 pp ; Cambridge Encyclopedia ch. 14). 2- The stucture of the English sentence: word order. The sentence, types of sentence, sentence functions, sentence elements . (Fodde’s slides; Nelson: pp: 8-28; L. Pinnavaia: pp ; The Cambridge Encyclopedia: chapter 16). 3- Complex sentences; The clause: clause elements. Subordinate clause types; Adjunct or adverbial clauses; connectors, fronting, cleft sentences. (Fodde’s slides; Nelson ; Pinnavaia 60-66, The Cambridge Encyclopedia, ch.16).

2 The English Language (I semestre)
Topics covered during the classes: 4- The phrase. Phrase types. The noun phrase: determiners, pre-modifiers; function. The verb phrase: function, aspect, mood. The adjective phrase: function of adjective phrase; prepositional and adverbial phrases, their function (Fodde’s slides; Nelsonpp.75-96; Pinnavaia 60-62; The Cambridge Encyclopedia, ch. 16: ). 5- Word classes, Coherence, Close and Open, Special features. 6- The sounds of English: describing consonants and vowels; the IPA; the phonetic symbols, recognizing phonetic transcriptions. (Fodde’s slides; Pinnavaia 9-27; The Cambridge Encyclopedia, ch. 17).

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