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UNIDO: Technology, Information & the Climate Convention

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1 UNIDO: Technology, Information & the Climate Convention
Dr. Peter Pembleton Project 05/12/2018

2 EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002
Outline Context UNIDO & technology transfer Technology information UNIDO sources of information Lessons EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002

3 EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002
Context EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002

4 EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002
TNA at which level? Generic level Is a particular technology environmentally sustainable/desirable (e.g. incineneration)? Project level To support technology choice & investment decisions at plant level (e.g. fuel switching) Project EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002

5 Components of T.Transfer?
* 07/16/96 Components of T.Transfer? Problem identification Determination of current situation, analysis & assessment of real needs (technology & capacity) Access to & provision of technical information Comparison of TiPs with BATs/benchmarks Project- & facility-level technology analysis & assessment Investment promotion Matchmaking & negotiation of terms Preparations of contracts Transfer Installation, training, operation, maintenance Diffusion Note that the above is for project-level industrial technologies & is focused on DgCs Problem identification must be facility- & location-specific (cannot be undertaken from a remote site) Following are dependant upon removal of barriers for which there is a growing body of literature, e.g. --policy & regulatory --technical (incl. Information) --market barriers (financial & economic, institutional, skills & behavioural) Need inter alia accountants, lawyers, engineers, designers. EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002 *

6 EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002
Technology services? Expert assessment Technology advice Benchmarks & baselines Technology negotiations Policy advice Training Investment & funding Awareness raising Basic information service & referrals through partners such as Business, trade & commercial Academia Information specialists Financial houses NGOs Management consultants Process technologists Government agencies EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002

7 UNIDO & technology transfer
EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002

8 EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002
2) 3) 1) EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002

9 Investment and Technology Promotion
Enhancement of national policies, strategies and regulatory frameworks for investment and technology promotion Building institutional capabilities in investment and technology promotion Promotion of business alliances For more: EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002

10 EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002
Technology services Technology centres solar, small hydro, hydrogen E&E technology networks NCPC, ETAC, INECA, Africa & ASEAN CDM Technology negotiations BOT (manuals & projects) Manual on negotiations Model contracts Technology assessment Baseline methodology, IDENTIFY tool & database EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002

11 EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002
Investment services 14 Investment Promotion Offices identify & broker international partnerships preparing projects for financing COMFAR Computer Model for Feasibility Analysis and Reporting Training EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002

12 Energy & Kyoto Protocol
Industrial energy efficiency & rural energy For more: Climate change and Kyoto Protocol For more: & EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002

13 Small Business Development
Development of local business systems Business advisory services Rural entrepreneurship development For more: EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002

14 Technology information
EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002

15 EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002
Requires Basic information General awareness Environmental aspects of technologies Management systems Referrals Where to go; who to ask Publications & dissemination Hard & soft copy Internet + Techno-economic information (next slides) EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002

16 Information related to:
* 07/16/96 Information related to: Problem Identification Industrial facilities Reviews of processes & technologies Audits (energy use) Other background data (I/O) Definition of problems & needs Project-level technology assessment To support to project & investment decisions at plant level Need sectoral support (institutions & experts) Industrial R&D Sectoral associations EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002 *

17 Information related to:
Technology Assessment Technologies currently used Appropriateness of alternative technologies considering following impacts Technical Economic Environmental Social EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002

18 Information related to:
Investment Promotion Project portfolio Results of technology assessments Dissemination of portfolio Investment Promotion Network Technology & investment events Matchmaking EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002

19 Information related to:
Technology negotiation Discussions on Official bids & terms of transfer Legal implications & risk apportionment Deliverables Financing Preparation of contracts Licenses & concessions Project agreements Associated agreements Financial packages EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002

20 Information related to:
Transfer Construction (if needed) Infrastructure development Roads & utilities Installation of equipment Training of local staff Operation Maintenance EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002

21 EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002
* 07/16/96 Diffusion Mechanisms Pilot or demonstration plant Plant visits Monitoring of results vs. expectations Promotion of results through National technology centres Technical & public media Publishing case studies Presentations at meetings & conferences Replication In-plant training EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002 *

22 UNIDO source of information
EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002

23 UNIDO information services
Information generation on industry & technology in developing countries since 1966 Has always included process optimization More efficient use of materials & energy Information broker/provider data management systems data dissemination mechanisms support to global & national systems and networks EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002

24 Information generation
Technical & economic information Sectors agro-industry; building materials; chemicals; machinery; metalworking Technologies (‘generic’) Cleaner production; energy conservation; benchmarking Referral information Statistical data Yearbook of industrial statistics EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002

25 Technology & sectoral information
EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002

26 EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002
Benchmarks Water, energy, wastewater, BOD, COD & VOC EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002

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SID Need & definition of ESID; CP, tools, techniques & information; role of Government; project design; gender support; exercises. EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002

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NCPC Network EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002

29 Industrial development
Abstracts of ca. 11,000 documents on industrial development in developing countries & microfiches since 1966 EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002

30 EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002
UNIDO Tools IDENTIFY analysis of CO2 mitigation options COMFAR models the economic feasibility of industrial projects For more: EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002

31 EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002
Identify... a software package that helps its users answer two key questions: 1) To what extent can improved industrial technologies and practices reduce greenhouse-gas emissions in developing countries ? 2) What other impacts, such as costs, would result from the introduction of these technologies? EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002

32 For a retrofit option Project
Benchmark data (energy efficient options) Knowledge of emissions reduction options Energy audit Application of Identify Baseline data EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002

33 Energy efficient alternative
Project Baseline plant Efficient plant Knowledge of options to avoid emissions Application of Identify Benchmark (estimate) Business as usual (estimate) EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002

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Lessons learnt EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002

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Types of activity National data collection, management, analysis & presentation Technology information inventories/matrices & assessments Investment information partners, projects and business data Reference information bibliographic & referral EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002

37 EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002
Type of system Static information services centralized (e.g. clearinghouse) access to sources information provision hard copy, data bases, Internet Dynamic information services translate data & information into knowledge data processing/diagnosis/technical assessment local & needs-oriented EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002

38 Information or knowledge?
Information through traditional media publications electronic media Internet; data systems global & national networks Knowledge through technical programmes/projects application of data & information technology assessment EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002

39 KNITT Knowledge Network for Industrial Technology Transfer
CC & CDM information (UNIDO-generated) EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002

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KNITT Information types Network data Centres, experts & projects Reference data Bilbliographic, meetings, training, information systems & technologies EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002

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KNITT Classification Industrial Development Thesaurus For data entry Thesaurus based search (systematic, KWOC & alphabetic) ISIC codes (6-digit) EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002

42 EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002
KNITT Only contains UNIDO-generated information & is therefore unique Updated as information becomes available All outputs available as attached, full-text PDF files Fully hyperlinked/relational database EGM on Technology Information, Beijing, April 2002

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