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The Scientific Revolution

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1 The Scientific Revolution
Mrs. Kelley Orchard Knob Middle School

2 What is the Scientific Revolution?
“The period of invention and discovery during the Renaissance”

3 Advancements during the Scientific Revolution
Focus on REASON Systematic observation of nature Formulation of the scientific method Expansion of scientific knowledge

4 Influences of the Scientific Revolution
Greeks (600 BC-200 CE) Muslim (Arab) Scholars (700 CE-1200 CE) Christian & Jewish Scholars ( CE) Humanists (1400s CE)

5 The Greeks “Reason” could help explain nature
Aristotle: classification of natural world Ptolemy: geocentrism (Earth is the center of the Universe)

6 Muslim (Arab) Scholars
Preserved Greek and Roman science Arabic/Indian numerals (1,2,3..) Arabic scientific discoveries in math, astronomy, and medicine

7 Christian & Jewish Scholars
Translated Greek and Arabic scientific advances into Latin New universities Christian scholars like Thomas Aquinas said Christianity and reason could work together

8 Humanists Encouraged questioning of classical thinking
Encouraged curiosity Focus on NATURE

9 Which of the following advancements did NOT occur during the Scientific Revolution?
Systematic observation of nature Focus on reason Discovery of DNA Improved scientific knowledge Development of the scientific method

10 Causes of the Scientific Revolution
The Renaissance Renewed emphasis on mathematics Medieval universities Navigational problems of long sea voyages Better scientific instruments

11 Scientific “Revolutionaries”

12 Copernicus (1473-1543) Sun-centered universe (heliocentrism)
Challenged circular orbits Earth no different than any other planet On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres (1543)

13 Copernicus vs. Ptolemy

14 Johannes Kepler ( ) Planetary motion conforms to mathematical formula Elliptical orbits Planets do not move at uniform speeds in their orbits

15 Galileo Galilei ( ) Early practitioner of the experimental method Mathematical formula for acceleration of falling objects Law of inertia His discoveries using the telescope Found guilty of heresy and died under house arrest

16 Isaac Newton ( ) Argues for a universe governed by natural laws Laws of gravity and inertia Invented calculus Principia; Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (1687)

17 Francis Bacon (1561-1626) Father of the Scientific Revolution
Articulated Scientific Method Emphasis on practical, useful knowledge New attitude toward nature

18 Rene Descartes (1596-1650) Significance of Doubt The Deductive Method
Spatial relationships can be expressed in mathematical formulas Father of “analytical geometry”

19 What tool did Galileo use to prove the Heliocentric theory?
Periscope Telescope Microscope Barometer

20 Which individual is associated with the list below:
Which individual is associated with the list below: *Stated the laws of motion *Discovered the law of gravity *Invented Calculus William Harvey Galileo Galilei Johannes Kepler Isaac Newton

21 Consequences of the Scientific Revolution
Rise of the “Scientific Community” --Royal Society of London (1662) --Academy of Royal Sciences (1666) The modern scientific method A universe ordered according to natural laws

22 Consequences of the Scientific Revolution (cont)
Laws discovered by human reason “De-Spiritualized” and de-mystified the Universe Mechanical View of the Universe View from the International Space Station Cupola

23 Describe the connections between new inventions and scientific knowledge during the Scientific Revolution (2 point written response) Possible response: Inventions, such as the telescope, microscope, thermometer, and barometer helped to make new observations of the world and provided new information for scientific research.

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