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AL Studies Weekly Newspaper

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1 AL Studies Weekly Newspaper

2 War of Independence Captain John Parker told his men, “Stand you ground, men. Don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here!” The first shots of the American Revolutionary War were fired at Lexington, Massachusetts, in April 1775.

3 War of Independence Congress appointed George Washington as general and commander-in-chief for the American Revolutionary War. In October, 1777, the Americans won their first victory of the Revolutionary War, the battle at Saratoga.

4 War of Independence In 1779, Spain and France decided to help the Americans win the war. They sent soldiers, supplies, and money.

5 Alabama Loyalty Thirteen colonies went to war because they wanted to be independent from England. Alabama was not one of them. Alabama was pretty set on remaining loyal to England.

6 Founding Fathers Benjamin Franklin was called the “First American” by many historians. Thomas Jefferson was a gifted writer who wrote the Declaration of Independence in one day.

7 Founding Fathers James Madison is remembered as the “Father of the Constitution.” As president, James Madison signed the bill that made Alabama a state.

8 Surrender at Yorktown The last important battle of the Revolutionary War was fought at Yorktown, Virginia. The French Fleet blocked the Chesapeake Bay. (France was helping America) General Cornwallis surrendered to George Washington ending the Revolutionary War.

9 AL Studies WK 5 Facts The British government made the American Colonies pay taxes to England. The Colonists responded by telling England: No Taxation without Representation. A constitution is a body of laws that everyone must agree to obey. Most striped skunks are solid black with two white stripes on their backs.

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