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pernicious: adj. causing great harm, destruction, injury, or death

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Presentation on theme: "pernicious: adj. causing great harm, destruction, injury, or death"— Presentation transcript:

1 pernicious: adj. causing great harm, destruction, injury, or death
definition: causing great harm, destruction, injury, or death fatal or likely to cause death wicked

2 pernicious pronunciation purr NIH shus

3 pernicious synonyms: harmful deleterious destructive detrimental
devastating iniquitous malevolent malignant noxious

4 pernicious related forms: noun perniciousness adverb perniciously

5 pernicious Many snakes have a justifiable reputation for being pernicious.

6 pernicious The pernicious image of the Grim Reaper evokes fear.

7 pernicious We should omit pernicious foods from our diets in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

8 pernicious The witch tempted Snow White with the pernicious apple.

9 perniciousness The perniciousness of cancer makes its diagnosis extremely frightening.

10 perniciousness Due to the perniciousness of second-hand smoke, cigarette smoking has been banned in public areas.

11 perniciousness The perniciousness of the storm was heightened when a tornado touched down on the community.

12 perniciously The vicious dog perniciously growled at the mailman.

13 perniciously “I’ll get you, my pretty,” the Wicked Witch of the West perniciously cackled.

14 perniciously The mean girls perniciously gossiped behind the other girl’s back.

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