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The Acts of the Apostles

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1 The Acts of the Apostles
Acts 17 – Gospel Persuasion, Prejudice, And Pride Sunday – May 27, 2018 Many of the slides used in this presentation are prepared by Joe Price and are used and adapted with his permission.

2 Athens: Ignorance Epicurean: “Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die.” cf. 1 Corinthians 15:32 Stoic: They were stern in their views of virtue, and, like the Pharisees, prided themselves on their own righteousness. In both schools, the concept of the eternity of matter precluded any idea of creation or final judgment. Consequently, the Greeks had no concept of morality and sin as we know it. Their definition of right or wrong was not based on a moral standard.

3 Athens: Ignorance City of Athens: Filled with learning and philosophy.
QUESTIONS: What is the nature of the universe? What is the purpose of man? What is truth? How do you determine what is right and wrong?

4 Mars Hill: Gospel Answers Human Philosophy and Idolatry
Emphasis on The Unknown (agnoostos) God -Creative, 17:24 -Self-sustaining, 17:25 -Ruling, 17:26 -Purposeful, 17: Merciful and authoritative, 17: Judge, 17:31

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