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Thinking Thursday What is this map showing? What is democracy?

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Presentation on theme: "Thinking Thursday What is this map showing? What is democracy?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thinking Thursday What is this map showing? What is democracy?
Look at nations like China and Saudi Arabia, determine what their government systems must be like. Democracy Index Lighter = more democratic

2 Intro to Politics

3 Politics Purpose of government is to guide or rule a state
State vs Nation State- independent unit that occupies a specific territory and has full control of its affairs Also called countries Nation- group of people with a common culture living in a territory Quebec is a nation- not a state because it is part of Canada So are Tibet and Chechnya Nation-states- when a state and nation are the same

4 Political Spectrum Displays where different government types fall on one line Demonstrates the extreme feelings held by specific parties Liberal Moderate Conservative Believes government should work to change to be fair for all Change with the times Government controlled Strive to keep all systems set up the way they are Changes to be more traditional Focus on citizens and their ‘traditional’ ways of life Mix of both liberal and conservative

5 Political systems Republic
System where the head of states is not a monarch or dictator Supreme power is in the hands of citizens who elects a body to represent them Democracy People vote to elect their leader for themselves

6 Political systems Federation
A form of government where the state is made up of several smaller autonomous states who work together for the benefit of the whole

7 Political systems Monarchy Royal family heads nation
May allow for citizens to vote on certain issues (constitutional) May completely control (absolute or divine right)

8 Political systems Totalitarian
Government has complete control of a nation Can be run by a group or an individual Individual: also known as an autocracy or dictatorship Group: also known as oligarchy or communist state

9 Political systems Theocracy Government and religion tie together

10 Bell-ringer answers Use your totals to determine where you fit on the political spectrum!!! Sketch this on the back of your bell-ringer sheet. Liberal Moderate Conservative Absolute Monarchy Const. Monarchy Totalitarianism Republic Democracy

11 For each type of government: Develop a list of examples Draw a picture
Learning Task For each type of government: Develop a list of examples Draw a picture

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