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# NOBYSTANDERS I will never be a bystander to bullying and teasing language. If I hear it, I will call it out and if I can, I will stop it. ( Stonewall.

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Presentation on theme: "# NOBYSTANDERS I will never be a bystander to bullying and teasing language. If I hear it, I will call it out and if I can, I will stop it. ( Stonewall."— Presentation transcript:

1 We all Know Bullying Is a Significant risk to the safeguarding of young people.

2 # NOBYSTANDERS I will never be a bystander to bullying and teasing language. If I hear it, I will call it out and if I can, I will stop it. ( Stonewall )

3 Blessed are the Bullies.
For one day they will have to stand up to themselves ! BONO

4 Whatever you do there will always
be bullying! But that does not mean you should NOT TRY ! Secondary Pupil Pembrokeshire Qualitative response Pupil survey 2016/17

5 Do, or do not, there is NO TRY.

6 So what is our DO plan ?

7 Equalities to be at the heart of a strategic
approach to preventing, responding and reducing acts of intolerance and bullying. Homophobia / LGBT issues at the forefront of discussion. Stonewall a key strategic partner. Equalities Index assessment. 2nd in Wales 2017

8 Countering cyberbullying and hate propaganda were not issues ten years ago but now are major concerns for parents and students. Integral to our Safeguarding and PREVENT strategy. In recent years, there has been a documented increase in reported incidents of anti-Black racism, antisemitism, and Islamophobia. We have experienced a 100% increase in reported Racial incidents over the last 12 months.

9 Each school to develop and implement an appropriate Strategic Equality Plan with appropriate preventing bullying targets so that each school creates and supports a positive school climate that fosters and promotes equity, inclusive education, and diversity.

10 1 Establish a base line. Sounds simple doesn’t it ! I knew it was going to be tricky !

11 Our base line ! Welsh Government anti bullying good practice guides state that educational settings should regularly assess on an ongoing basis for the incidence, type and impact of bullying, harassment and bullying activities. This survey was administered on an anonymous basis across educational settings in Pembrokeshire.

12 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: Establish the prevalence of bullying in primary and secondary schools, and pupils via a representative survey of school pupils, capturing the reported level of bullying from the victims of bullying; Set a baseline measurement on the level of bullying in for Schools and Directorate to use in identifying Strategic Equality Plan targets. Identify the nature, extent and reasons of bullying that is ascribed to a pupil’s age, gender, ethnicity, sexuality and disability; Understand the level and type of cyber bullying that takes place;

13 Assess the awareness of pupils of sources of help with bullying problems and support networks available to support young people; Assess pupils’ views on schools’ approach to tackling bullying, especially from those pupils who have been bullied; Provide empirical evidence for policy development and recommendations designed to improve anti- bullying approaches and policies within schools and the directorate;

14 The survey used self-completion questionnaires, which were completed by pupils in years 3 to 11 in participating schools and PRUs between February 2016 and July In total, 4473 pupils from 51 schools took part in the survey up to July Each school was provided with a detailed raw data report.

15 The anonymous questionnaires were based Upon the Olweus Bully / Victim questionnaire (Olweus, 1996). The survey was custom made, scrutinised and approved by Welsh Government, Stonewall Cymru, Directors, Heads of Service within the Children and School’s Directorate and Children’s Young Safeguardians.

16 Primary y6 Northern Ireland 2007
Primary Pembs 2016 Secondary Pembs 2016 Primary y6 Wales 2011 ( 1) Secondary y7 Wales 2011 (1) Primary y6 Northern Ireland 2007 (2) Secondary y9 Northern Ireland 2007 (2 ) %age of pupils reporting being bullied in the last two months 13.4% 13.2% 12.1% 14.5% 26.2% 21.1% %age of pupils that had been bullied in some form 24.2% 26.6 32% 29% 43% 28.8% %age that have been bullied several times a week. 7.5% 4.9% 5.9% 5.5% 2.7% %age that have indicated they have been bullied by another pupil at their school. 20.5% 21.2% N/A

17 The most common form of bullying in the primary
and secondary setting is being called hurtful or nasty names with 16% of primary pupils and 14.4% of secondary pupils reporting this form of bullying. Amongst the comments made by pupils about bullying, name calling was a significant concern for them.

18 Cyber bullying, or bullying through social media
accounted for 4.1% of reported bullying in primary settings and 5.0% in secondary settings. “ I have been called a lesbian on a lot of occasions on snapchat, but I’m not, as I don’t have a boyfriend I get called a lesbian because me and my best friends are really close”.

19 The Effect of Bullying Pupils reported that the most common affect of
bullying was to make them feel sad with 14.6 % of primary pupils stating this affect and 10.2% of secondary pupils. Additionally, 2 % of pupils stated that it affected their attendance and 7% of secondary pupils stating it made them feel depressed.

20 “When you get bullied to a certain extent you don't want to show up at school”. “My confidence is at an all time low, and I can’t go anywhere without asking people if I look okay”. “My maths got worse” “It made me feel like everyone in school hated me and did not want me around”

21 So what IS our plan ? To encourage and support all schools in the development of; Restorative Practice. UNICEF Rights respecting schools. Equalities. Stonewall, Show Racism Red Card. VAWDA SV / Healthy relationships / HAFAN Cymru. Safeguarding / anti bullying best practice. kiVa. School Beat Programme, Dyfed Powys Police.

22 Our kiVa plan Bid approved by Police and Crime Commissioners Office. 8 schools in Year, 1 including first 2 secondary schools to initiate the programme in UK. 8 schools Year 2 including remainder of secondary schools. 8 schools year 3. Analysis of findings to be used to provide evidence for accessing additional funding.

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