School Report Card 2009-2010 A Focus on Academic Performance West Hempstead UFSD Board of Education Presentation June 21, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "School Report Card 2009-2010 A Focus on Academic Performance West Hempstead UFSD Board of Education Presentation June 21, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 School Report Card 2009-2010 A Focus on Academic Performance West Hempstead UFSD Board of Education Presentation June 21, 2011

2 The New York State Report Card Accountability and Overview Reportdistrict/school profile information, accountability status, and performance information Accountability and Overview Reportdistrict/school profile information, accountability status, and performance information Comprehensive Information Report regents, NYSESLAT, NYSAA, RCTs, and post-graduate plans Comprehensive Information Report regents, NYSESLAT, NYSAA, RCTs, and post-graduate plans

3 NYS Report Card Overview 3 rd through 8 th Grade- ELA and Mathematics 3 rd through 8 th Grade- ELA and Mathematics 4 th and 8 th Grade-Science 4 th and 8 th Grade-Science This years cohort report– Class that entered ninth grade in 2006 and graduated in 2010 This years cohort report– Class that entered ninth grade in 2006 and graduated in 2010

4 ACCOUNTABILITY Schools in Good Standing Schools in Good Standing Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) (Participation and performance criterion) In mathematics and science, all grades and subgroups met AYPIn mathematics and science, all grades and subgroups met AYP In ELA all grades and subgroups made AYP, with the exception of the special education subgroup on the district level.In ELA all grades and subgroups made AYP, with the exception of the special education subgroup on the district level.

5 NYSED Raises Expectations College and Career Readiness: Using NYS Assessments to predict acceptance to and success in college Using NYS Assessments to predict acceptance to and success in college Raising cut scores on NYS assessments in ELA and Math 3-8 Raising cut scores on NYS assessments in ELA and Math 3-8 Adding the Aspirational Performance Measure to the high school cohort data: % of students scoring a minimum of 80 on the Integrated Algebra Regents and 75 on the English Regents Adding the Aspirational Performance Measure to the high school cohort data: % of students scoring a minimum of 80 on the Integrated Algebra Regents and 75 on the English Regents

6 Cornwell Avenue School The New York State School Report Card

7 English Language Arts – 3 rd, 4 th, and 5 th Grades Percentage of Students Achieving Levels 3 and 4 Level 1 –Not Meeting Learning Standards Level 2 – Partially Meeting Learning Standards Level 3Meeting Learning Standards Level 4- Meeting Learning Standards with Distinction

8 Mathematics – 3 rd, 4 th, and 5 th Grades Percentage of Students Achieving Levels 3 and 4 Level 4- Meeting Learning Standards with Distinction Level 3Meeting Learning Standards Level 2 – Partially Meeting Learning Standards Level 1 –Not Meeting Learning Standards

9 Science - Grade 4 Percentage of Students Scoring at Levels 3 and 4

10 George Washington School The New York State School Report Card

11 English Language Arts – 3 rd, 4 th, and 5 th Grades Percentage of Students Achieving Levels 3 and 4 Level 4- Meeting Learning Standards with Distinction Level 3Meeting Learning Standards Level 2 – Partially Meeting Learning Standards Level 1 –Not Meeting Learning Standards

12 Mathematics – 3 rd, 4 th, and 5 th Grades Percentage of Students Achieving Levels 3 and 4 Level 4- Meeting Learning Standards with Distinction Level 3Meeting Learning Standards Level 2 – Partially Meeting Learning Standards Level 1 –Not Meeting Learning Standards

13 Science - Grade 4 Percentage of Students Scoring at Levels 3 and 4

14 West Hempstead Middle School The New York State School Report Card

15 English Language Arts – 6 th, 7 th, and 8 th Grades Percentage of Students Achieving Levels 3 and 4 Level 4- Meeting Learning Standards with Distinction Level 3Meeting Learning Standards Level 2 – Partially Meeting Learning Standards Level 1 –Not Meeting Learning Standards

16 Mathematics – 6th, 7 th, and 8 th Grades Percentage of Students Achieving Levels 3 and 4 Level 4- Meeting Learning Standards with Distinction Level 3Meeting Learning Standards Level 2 – Partially Meeting Learning Standards Level 1 –Not Meeting Learning Standards

17 Science – Grade 8 Percentage of Students Achieving Levels 3 and 4

18 West Hempstead High School The New York State School Report Card

19 Cohort Graduation Rate

20 Percentage of Graduates Earning Regents Diplomas

21 Percentage Passing Regents Examinations (at or above 65%) Percentage Passing Regents Examinations (at or above 65%)

22 Longitudinal ELA Data

23 Longitudinal Math Data

24 Our Goals: Raise Student Achievement Raise Student Achievement Set High Expectations Set High Expectations Improve Instruction Improve Instruction

25 Academic Achievement Plan 2010-11: careful planning careful planning pacing guides pacing guides assessment checkpoints quarterlies and midterms assessment checkpoints quarterlies and midterms monitoring of at-risk students monitoring of at-risk students quarterly meetings with each principal to discuss curriculum, instruction, assessment and student progress quarterly meetings with each principal to discuss curriculum, instruction, assessment and student progress district-wide grade level and department meetings district-wide grade level and department meetings

26 Academic Achievement Plan 2011-12 Implement pacing guides with fidelity Implement pacing guides with fidelity Midterms and finals in middle school Midterms and finals in middle school Implement unit assessments in grades 1-5 Implement unit assessments in grades 1-5 Study alignment of quarterly, midterm and Regents grades Study alignment of quarterly, midterm and Regents grades Standardize grading policy Standardize grading policy Identify successful instructional strategies Identify successful instructional strategies Build a common language of instruction Build a common language of instruction Align instruction with Common Core Standards Align instruction with Common Core Standards

27 Strategic Plan 2011-14 The district is committed to implementing the goals set forth by the Strategic Planning Councils action plans: academic excellence academic excellence use of data to improve instruction use of data to improve instruction educational equity educational equity educational technology educational technology community relations community relations

28 Continued Initiatives: Raise expectations for student performance Raise expectations for student performance Integrate technology into instructional program Integrate technology into instructional program Continue to enhance ELA instruction Continue to enhance ELA instruction Math Professional Development for K-5 Math Professional Development for K-5 Assess mathematics program in K-8 and provide professional development Assess mathematics program in K-8 and provide professional development Focus on vocabulary development and critical reading strategies across curricular areas Focus on vocabulary development and critical reading strategies across curricular areas Hold regular district grade level, cross-grade level and department meetings Hold regular district grade level, cross-grade level and department meetings Develop a consistent approach for analyzing annual assessment results using Data Warehouse Develop a consistent approach for analyzing annual assessment results using Data Warehouse Use assessment results to improve instruction Use assessment results to improve instruction Align instruction with Common Core Standards Align instruction with Common Core Standards

29 West Hempstead UFSD NYS School Report Card 2009-2010 We are committed to a relentless pursuit of excellence.

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