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Article II The Presidency.

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1 Article II The Presidency

2 Formal Qualifications
At least 35 years old Natural born citizen A resident of the U.S. for at least 14 years

3 Informal Qualifications
Nomination by a major party Popular with people Prior political experience Preferably male Preferably white Preferably Protestant Be of good moral standing Be of middle to upper class Preferably married

4 Sources of Power of the President
1. Constitution 2. The People

5 Cabinet Dept. State Dept Dept of Treasury Dept of Defense
Dept of Justice Dept of Interior Dept of Agriculture

6 Cabinet Dept Dept of Commerce Dept of Labor Dept of Human Services
Dept of Housing and Urban Development Dept of Transportation Dept of Energy Dept of Education

7 The Executive Office or the White House Office
Made up of Pres.’s personal staff and closest advisors with their clerks, secretaries and assistants.

8 Salary Annual salary $400,000.00 $50,000.00 tax-free expense account
Unlimited use of White House and gov’t facilities $60, pension Widow receives $20,000.00 Vice-president $208,100.00

9 Head of State Host for the U.S.; extends hospitality.

10 Chief Diplomat Deals with foreign policy; works out agreements with other governments.

11 Commander in Chief Head of the armed forces.

12 Chief Executive He interacts with his staff and advisors.

13 Chief Legislator Aids in the formation and passage of laws.

14 Chief Economic Planner
Works on money matters with the O.M.B.

15 Party Chief 1. helps to strengthen own political party
2. acts as head of his party 3. Only Pres. Not acting as head of party – George Washington

16 Representative of All People
Acts on behalf of the American public.

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