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Tips for Taking the Essay Quiz

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1 Tips for Taking the Essay Quiz
JC Clapp North Seattle College

2 Study Read all assigned materials in the weekly modules and textbook. In your book, mark the major concepts with sticky notes. Watch the assigned film and participate in the discussion of the film. Write notes where you see the concepts from the book illustrated in the film.

3 Prepare to Begin Go to a private and quiet area with excellent internet access. Silent your phone. Get out your book and notes and have them open and ready to go. Open the Yale Film Analysis website in another browser window: it has easy access to vocabulary. Open your word processor program, like Word. Have paper and pencil next to you. Set the timer on your phone for 30 minutes.

4 Planning – 3 minutes Open the quiz, start the timer, and read the question carefully. Write down the components of the question. Be sure you know exactly what you’re being asked to do. Think about what you know about the topic and collect your thoughts. Take a deep breath and try to relax. Panic doesn’t help.

5 Drafting – 20 minutes Write a brief outline of your answer – identify the examples you’ll use and your main points. In your word processor, develop your outline into paragraphs. Use the PIE method: P (point): Point you’re trying to make I (illustration): Example of your point from the film or reading E (explain): Explain how the example supports your point

6 Revise – 5 minutes Read your answer out loud to yourself all of the way through without stopping. Go back and revise whatever places that stood out to you. Run spell-check. Read through one last time carefully and make sure your grammar and punctuation is correct.

7 Submit – 2 minutes Copy your answer from Word and paste it into the quiz box. Correct any formatting and make sure the entire answer is there. Submit!

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