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History and future of EUPAN eGovernment WG

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1 History and future of EUPAN eGovernment WG
Mr. Jiří Průša

2 What is MTP? MTP = Medium Term Programme One of the main document
Goal of MTP: secure continuity between Presidencies

3 Present MTP Prepared and approved during PT PRES
Time period: 2008 – 2009 (SI PRES, FR PRES, CZ PRES and SE PRES) Programme reflected the Lisbon Strategy, especially the goal of innovative, competitive and performance-oriented PA

4 Priorities for eGOV WG European User Satisfaction Indicies
Efficiency of public administration ICT Licence for Administrative Staff Professionalisation of ICT Staff

5 From PT PRES to SE PRES From exchange of best-practice to creating study and added value Diverge work from others e-Government stakeholders groups, e.g. i2010 eGOV… Tradition: one meeting during the spring Presidency, two during the autumn Presidency

6 eGOV WG during the CZ PRES
15. – 16. June 2009, Kroměříž According to the MTP focused on using ECDL within the Public Administration Some members states take „electronic“ part – collaboration through the …

7 Impressions from Kroměříž

8 Priorities for the Future
Hold eGOV WG as a core WG within the EUPAN Supporting learning teams and interest groups on specific topics Continue in tradition of studies and focused eGOV WG on topics conne-cted with work of other EUPAN groups

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