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Presentation: Higher education in Bulgaria

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation: Higher education in Bulgaria"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation: Higher education in Bulgaria
Data Science Society Presentation: Higher education in Bulgaria

2 Data Science Society brief
Education data analysis review Next steps

3 Data Science Society brief
Sergi Sergiev

4 Why Science Business Education

5 Who we are For the past 2 years our driving core of 10 people has been joined by 30 volunteers and over 1000 members of the community.

6 Events Meetup Data and Beer Conference Projects Data talks Datathon

7 Directions Online platform Support Education Projects

8 Previous collaborations

9 Education data analysis review
Anton Nenov

10 Universities in Bulgaria DSS Interactive Visualisation Tableau Public

11 All Universities in Bulgaria
What we Did? We have created one database with the data for all Universities in Bulgaria for the period We have built an online interactive visualisations to see different kinds of structured info Why we did it? We have more than 50 universities in Bulgaria They have more than 3900 different courses active for the last year More than rows analysed. It is too difficult for everyone to see the big picture using the official data on the website of Ministry of Education 3. Source of data - Ministry of Education:

12 Forecast for the next Year
It is easy for everyone to select the university and see what will be the situation next year. We used integrated Winters Additive as method with low level of Standard Error (MAPE from 4.2% to 6.9%)

13 Some Interesting findings
All Universities in Plovdiv Region are increasing number of students compared with steady numbers for all other regions.

14 Some Interesting findings
There is a big Increase of the foreign Student in all Medical Universities in Bulgaria?

15 Some Interesting findings
There is a big decrease for students studying Architecture and Construction after a period of big interest ( ).

16 Where is the VIZ? You can find it on the following address:
Small problem - the VIZ is on Bulgarian language :)

17 Next steps Sergi Sergiev

18 Big data implications Datathon Cases: Volume - GBs of data
Velocity - real time portals of data, APIs Variety - images, opendata, text, structured data, APIs Machine learning - predictive models, NLP, semantics, OCR, data cleansing Participants: 9 business 4 startups NSI and Council of Ministers -

19 Collaboration Datathon support with statistical data
Collaboration about EU Big Data Hackathon in March Discussion to open NSI data

20 Questions @DataSciSociety

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