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Searching for scholarly articles about cataloging

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1 Searching for scholarly articles about cataloging
You can receive two extra points on any quiz by reading and summarizing a cataloging article. Since the upcoming quiz is on descriptive cataloging, for those of you who are new here is a simple way to find a scholarly journal article on descriptive cataloging.

2 Bibliographic Indexes
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA) There are a number of publications out there that deal with cataloging issues, either in part or exclusively. [click] One particularly appropriate one for this class is Cataloging & Classification Quarterly. However, going through issue by issue of each title looking for an article on a particular topic would be rather tedious. [click] So we turn to bibliographic indexes. However, we need to know which indexes cover the journals that deal with cataloging. [click] LISA (Library and Information Science Abstracts )and LISTA (Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts) are two that do.

3 Databases
So, how do we get to our indexes? This is the main UH library Web site. Click on Online Databases / Indexes to access our electronic bibliographic databases.

4 LISTA The best journal to find articles about descriptive cataloging is Cataloging and classification quarterly. There are a couple of databases that currently index that journal. One is LISA (Library and Information Science Abstracts). So let’s search that database. In the text box we type in LISTA. Then we un-check Journals and Online books so that we only search for Databases with the word LISA in them. Then we click on the Search button near the bottom of the screen.

5 Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA)
The only database that fits our search parameters is LISA, so we click on it. We are then given a brief description of the database. Click on the name of the database to actually search it. At this point you will usually be required to log in using your UH user id and password.

6 In order to search LISA you must log into the UH system, as the UH contract for LISA stipulates that only those affiliated with the UH can access the data.

7 donnab ••••••• At this point you will usually be required to log in using your UH user id and password.

8 Here is the search screen.
We want to find an article published in Cataloging and classification quarterly so we type “cataloging” in one of the search boxes, then select Journal Name as the field to search on. The we type “classification” and again select Journal Name as the field to search on. Now, in library school we usually tell you to search on a subject heading or descriptor. Unfortunately, there is no descriptor specific to descriptive cataloging. But we can pull up articles on descriptive cataloging by entering the word rda and selecting the Title field. This refers to the article title. Now the software will search for articles with the words “cataloging” and “classification” in the journal name and “rda” in the article title.

9 When we see an article we like we click on the title to get the full citation data.

10 Now, LISTA is not a full-text database, but we have access to the full text of the article by clicking on the Find it link.

11 Scroll down a bit just to see what else thesystem recommended.
Then we click on Full text available from Taylor & Francis Online.

12 Click on Download full text

13 We see the instruction to scroll down for our article.
So we do so.

14 And here is our article.

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