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Big Question How is the sustainability of folk culture and the sustainability of popular culture similar? How is it different? Use at least two examples.

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Presentation on theme: "Big Question How is the sustainability of folk culture and the sustainability of popular culture similar? How is it different? Use at least two examples."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 4 Key Issue 4 Why Do Folk and Pop culture Face Sustainability Challenges

2 Big Question How is the sustainability of folk culture and the sustainability of popular culture similar? How is it different? Use at least two examples to support your answer.

3 Key Terms Assimilation Acculturation Landscape Pollution
Uniform Landscape

4 Can Folk and Popular Culture Survive?
Elements of folk and popular culture face challenges in maintaining identities that are sustainable for the future For folk culture, the challenge is maintaining its local landscape in the age of globalization For pop culture, it is sustainability in its attempt to establish a uniform landscape (which is not always wanted)

5 Sustainability of Folk Culture
When folk cultures interact with pop cultures, it can begin to lose some of its hold on the people in that culture The people who make up that culture either go through assimilation where they give up their traditional folk culture in exchange for a new one or they go through acculturation

6 Sustainability of Folk Culture
Acculturation is when the people of the folk culture adopt certain parts of the new popular culture while still maintaining their traditions Some folk cultures work very hard to resist popular culture influences (ex. Amish) and some try to blend in pop culture with their own (ex. Indian marriage customs or Native American tribal society)

7 Sustainability of Popular Culture
Not only can popular culture have a significant impact on a traditional folk culture, it can also impact the environment in which it exists Folk culture typically comes from the environment it resides but pop culture can sometimes be invasive to an area and create pollution or deplete scarce natural resources Landscape pollution is when a pop custom modifies the existing landscape to enhance participation in a leisure activity or promote the sale of a product

8 Sustainability of Popular Culture
Fast food restaurants, supermarkets, and gas stations are examples of places that will change an area of the environment to create a uniform landscape, which helps with product recognition Uniform landscapes often modify an area of the environment negatively and those modifications may not be sustainable Sustainability of Popular Culture

9 Sustainability of Popular Culture
Natural resource depletion is also a concern as popular culture products can strain the capacity of the environment The creation of golf courses can be detrimental to the environment as they modify the landscape and use massive amounts of water to maintain them The use and consumption of animal products can also be damaging to the environment, whether it is using skins to make shoes and purses or the mass consumption of meat Sustainability of Popular Culture

10 Big Question & Key Terms
How is the sustainability of folk culture and the sustainability of popular culture similar? How is it different? Use at least two examples to support your answer. Assimilation Acculturation Landscape Pollution Uniform Landscape

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