Quiz: Thursday, March 15 Discuss the prevailing arguments for and against Capital Punishment. Include in your discussion the traditional teachings of the.

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Presentation on theme: "Quiz: Thursday, March 15 Discuss the prevailing arguments for and against Capital Punishment. Include in your discussion the traditional teachings of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quiz: Thursday, March 15 Discuss the prevailing arguments for and against Capital Punishment. Include in your discussion the traditional teachings of the Catholic Church and how that teaching continues to develop today.

2 War and Peace

3 Christian Perspective: War and Peace
Catechism, 2308 Just War -- St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas Augustine on Justice Justice in the soul  Justice in society  Peace Disorder in the soul  disorder in society  War Paul VI – “If you want peace, work for justice”

4 St. Augustine on the “Just War”
“If the earthly republic kept the Christian precepts, wars themselves would not be waged without benevolence, so that, for the peaceful union of piety and justice, the welfare of the conquered world be more readily considered” (Augustine, Political Writings, Letter 138)

5 St. Augustine on the “Just War”
“Be peacemakers then, even in fighting, so that through your victory you might bring those whom you defeat to the advantages of peace… Let necessity slay the warring foe, not your will. As violence is returned to one who rebels and resists, so should mercy be one who has been conquered or captured, especially when there is no fear of a disturbance of peace…” (Augustine’s Letter to Boniface, Roman Governor of Africa, Letter 219)

6 St. Augustine on the “Just War”
War as last resort New Testament (Mt. 8:8-10; Acts 10:4; Lk. 3:14) St. Augustine – Letter 209: John the Baptist did not condemn his followers who were soldiers. Defense of the innocent – a work f justice and charity War is tragic, but not wicked. Conduct during war is important. Theories set stage for the development of the “Just War Doctrine”

7 St. Thomas Aquinas and the Classic Just War Principles
Vatican II, Gaudium et Spes, 79:4 As long as the danger of war persists and there is no international authority with the necessary competence and power, governments cannot be denied the right of lawful self-defense, once all peace efforts have failed.

8 Just War -- Definitions
Ius in bellum -- what are the norms for a “just” war Ius in bello – what are the norms for conducting a just war (rules of engagement)

9 Conditions for Just War (Catechism)
CCC – “requires rigorous considerations” It must be declared by a legitimate authority, not by private groups or individuals. It must be waged for a just cause like protecting innocent life or preserving conditions necessary for basic human life.

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