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The Rise and Fall of POLIOMYELITIS

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2 The Rise and Fall of POLIOMYELITIS
1916 First major polio epidemic in USA - 27,000 cases and 6,000 deaths 1929 Franklyn D Roosevelt contracted polio at 39. As President he proved to be a huge asset to the polio campaign 1934 LA epidemic - 5% of Doctors and 11% of Nurses treating patients contract the virus.

3 The Rise and Fall of POLIOMYELITIS
1940 Australian Nurse Sister Elizabeth Kenny leads a revolution in the treatment of polio by advocating the use of hot packs instead of stretching limbs 1955 Dr Jonas Salk trials injectable vaccine on 1.8 million children 1970 Dr Albert Sabin develops oral vaccine which quickly becomes vaccine of choice

4 The Rise and Fall of POLIOMYELITIS
350,000 cases of polio each year with thousands of deaths and disabilities Rotary International launches campaign after Dr Sabin speaks to Rotary leaders at the International Assembly in Nashville USA Decision made after successful trial in the Philippines Inspired by our own RI President Clem Renouf

5 The Rise and Fall of POLIOMYELITIS
2014 359 cases of polio 2015 74 cases; India and Africa declared polio free 2016 Pakistan and Afghanistan remained – BUT in August 2016 there was a major set back with two new cases of the wild polio virus. There have now been seven such cases in this previously inaccessible area.

6 The Rise and Fall of POLIOMYELITIS
Since 1985, Rotary has raised and invested $1.9 billion in the campaign with governments around the world including the USA and India expending billions more. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has contributed almost $700 million to the nearly $10 billion raised worldwide

7 The Rise and Fall of POLIOMYELITIS
In India, at the peak of the campaign in , every two months: One National Immunisation Day (NID) conducted 2.5 million volunteers take part 750 special Rotary Booths set up to organise NIDs 180 million children immunised in eight hours

8 What now? Are we prepared for the ENDGAME?

9 STILL MUCH TO DO Some 400 million children immunised annually in 60 countries 150,000 polio funded workers in 70 countries Introduction of the Inactivated Polio Vaccine for routine immunization in 126 countries Disease surveillance activities continue in 70 countries, with the Nigerian discoveries providing proof of the effectiveness of the campaign. Likewise, the discovery of the vaccine derived cases in Syria in June.

At the Rotary International Convention in Atlanta, Global Leaders re-committed to the importance of a polio-free world and pledged financial support totaling US$1.2billion against the US$1.5 billion needed to fully eradicate polio These new funds along with those previously committed over the period leave a funding gap of US$300 million out of the US$7 billion required through to 2020.

The Eradication Program will require a funding total of approx. US$17 billion by the time transmission is interrupted in all countries and the world is certified polio-free Magnificent support from the Gates Foundation continues to fund the campaign on a 2 for 1 basis up to US$50 million for the next three years. Rotary’s challenge is to raise US$50 million a year which when matched by the Gates Foundation will total US$450 million over the three year period.

END POLIO NOW PLAN NOW FOR THE YEAR AHEAD … No time for ‘POLIO FATIGUE’!! We are now launching a special fund raising initiatives for …

13 END POLIO NOW THE GOOD NEWS IS THAT ROTARY’S SENIOR LEADERS HAVE MAINTAINED SIMILAR GOALS FOR THE END POLIO NOW CAMPAIGN IN … Clubs will be encouraged to make a special ‘one off’ contribution of $1,500 to the polio campaign – in addition to normal polio giving. Districts will be encouraged to again donate 20% of their unused DDF funds to the polio campaign.

14 END POLIO NOW Districts and clubs are encouraged to launch a special campaign of innovative ideas to support the END POLIO NOW campaign – school walkathons, swimathons, school bicycle marathons, Battle of the Bands contests for teenagers, main street community barbecues, ‘paint a pinkie’ for a gold coin, talent quest/concerts, odd sock day and street bucket collections to name just a few.

15 END POLIO NOW Districts and clubs are urged to continue the search for TRF Major Donors at US$10,000 each. To launch the quest for innovative fund raising ideas ‘down under’ your END POLIO NOW team requests a special focus on World Polio Day (October 24, 2017) and Rotary’s next birthday (February 23, 2018) throughout ALL New Zealand and Australian Districts

We urge all District Governors to work with their club presidents to plan now to lock in World Polio Day, October 24th as “END POLIO NOW Soup Saver Day” in 2017! The simple concept comes from our Rotary friends in Switzerland: Every club at its meeting during the week of October 24, 2017, will agree to pay $15 per person for a ‘Soup Saver’ meal … $5 to cover cost of soup and bread roll AND $10 to be a personal donation from EVERY member to END POLIO NOW’

Then, we repeat the special meal exercise on February 23, 2018, to celebrate Rotary’s birthday. This time, the meal will be coffee and cake for the same ‘sacrifice price’ of $15 per head - $5 for the coffee and cake with the remaining $10 again providing a personal donation from every member to END POLIO NOW Such a simple concept has the ability to raise more than $750,000 if endorsed by all clubs and Rotarians across Australia and New Zealand – not to mention a massive $24 million if adopted world wide!

Then of course we add the Gates ‘multiplier effect’ ……….. $750k from Australia and New Zealand becomes $2,250,000*; and $24 million worldwide becomes $72 million*!!! DARE TO DREAM FRIENDS ……… *Figures above are estimates in a perfect world

19 END POLIO NOW To extract maximum value from the TWO ‘cheap meal’ deals, we must promote both functions as a fun event and involve community leaders – politicians, community leaders, popular sporting personalities – anyone who might attract media attention … For October 24, invite local restaurants to donate their favourite soups for a special soup ‘tasting’ For Rotary’s birthday, meet the local high school principal and invite local high school home science students to bake a giant birthday cake!

20 Post polio syndrome Decades after polio epidemics in Australia it is estimated that some 400,000 people are suffering from “Late Effects of Polio” (LEoP) or Post Polio Syndrome (PPS) District 9685 was pleased to partner with Polio Australia to provide vital community service by way of educational workshops for health professionals Eight workshops were held and provided guidance in the management and treatment of LEoP and PPS If LEoP is not identified, symptoms can worsen rapidly due to incorrect care – the lessons learnt from these workshops are now being shared around the world

21 Congratulations and thanks to the Rotarians of the world who continue to work tirelessly for Polio Eradication – and we really are “this” close!

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