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Lesson: How to Construct a Mind Map

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1 Lesson: How to Construct a Mind Map
Brain Based tool to help review information and store it in long term memory

2 How have you been studying…
Take 2 mins to write down how you study, review- generally how you get LARGE amounts of info in your lovely little heads so you can get it back out later… Take 1 min each to discuss with partner…Jedis talk first, Empire listen first…after 1 min switch Bringing out ideas to the floor…

3 Introducing…the Mind Map
This is what a Mind Map looks like…

4 According to the Science…
The brain processes information very similar to the way the mind map looks…in stems The brain makes connections to information in this same format…

5 The Rules for a Mind Map Can ONLY be 5 stems (Brain can only process limited amt. of info at a time) MUST have colors (colors help to categorize and associate) MUST have symbols (remember that only 25% of semantic [words] information gets stored in long term memory) This is 10 years worth of work by Dr. Jeff Sapp, Professor at CSUDH

6 Another example from class…

7 Let’s try one here in class…
I need someone to suggest a topic that everyone knows about already to help practice… I need a board volunteer Let’s now break this topic apart into 5 parts One stem at a time let’s add COLOR and SYMBOL You’ve now created in your first map

8 Your turn to try and play around…
Working in partners, create a mind map for something we’ve studied here in class…anything we’ve looked at so far You have 10 minutes to make a basic mind map, so pick something that is not too complicated

9 Mind Map Debrief Take 3 mins to write down the following:
Things that worked and that you like about this tool Challenges to the tool that you can foresee being a problem If this works for you…how can you use it? If this doesn’t work for you…explain why not?

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