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Internet Safety Part I Social Media

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1 Internet Safety Part I Social Media
Presented By: Allan Clapp

2 Your safety is your responsibility…
Facts about the World Wide Web. Social Media website statistics. There are no “Internet Police”. The facts about website privacy policies. Predators are “Watching” Social Media sites.

3 World Wide Web facts . . . There are over 275 trillion Internet addresses In 2012 there were over 250 million domain names. Internet technology is built to be “open”. Real security is only possible at the “end points”.

4 Social Media Website Facts . . .
There are 204 Social Media websites. 74% allow children under 16 years of age. 58% allow children under 10 years of age! Web cameras CAN be remotely activated! Social Media sites regularly backup data and files.

5 There are no “Internet Police “ . . .
The F.B.I. do not have the resources to protect you. The F.B.I. is focused on crimes of $1 million or more. The state/local police can only investigate after a crime has taken place.

6 Website Privacy Policy Facts . . .
Those “policies” can change without notice. Violations are very difficult to prove. Only enforceable by a “class action” lawsuit.

7 Predators Are Watching . . .
What “predators” look for on Social Media sites: Who’s traveling . . . Places where children spend their time . . . Who is “dating” who . . . Who has something (or someone) to “lose”. Pedophiles are closer than you think.

8 What you can do to fight back . . .
Think before you post. Use “Strong” passwords (changing the regularly). Remember: A page once viewed lasts for a long time. Remember: Everything is “backed up”. Remember: “deleting” something only hides it.

9 Notes from tonight's class can be found at:
Thank you Notes from tonight's class can be found at:

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