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1 Cells

2 I. Cell Parts A. Cytoplasm is the gelatin material found on the inside of the cell.

3 B. Ribosomes are RNA and proteins that produce proteins for cell activity

4 C Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a network of interconnected structures that transport proteins around the cell 1. Rough ER has ribosomes on its surface. 2. Smooth ER does not have any ribosomes.

5 D Golgi body package proteins and prepare them for transport.

6 E. Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell
E. Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell. This is where the energy the cell uses is produced

7 F. Nucleus is the control center of the cell.
1. Chromotin is the dense material inside of the nucleus that is made up of chromosomes. 2. Chromosomes are composed of DNA which controls the cells activities.

8 G. Plastids are only found in plant cells
G. Plastids are only found in plant cells. Plastids store lipids, starches, and energy. H. Lysosomes contain digestive enzymes that break down food into usable substances. I. Vacuoles are membrane-bound structures that store substances used by the cell.

9 J. Cytoskeleton provides framework for the cell K. Cell movement
1. Projections from the cell that aid in cell movement by using a whip like motion 2. Cilia surround the cell and have numbers in the hundreds

10 3. Flagella are longer than cilia and there are only one or two of them.

11 L. Plasma Membrane 1. Is the outer boundary of a cell
2. Selectively permeable membrane a. Allows specific items to enter while keeping others items out of the cell b. Ex. Screen on a window

12 3. Passive transport is the movement of particles without the use of energy.
1. Diffusion a. Is the movement of particles from an area of greater concentration to an area of lesser concentration

13 4. Osmosis a. Movement of water in and out of cells across a selectively permeable membrane from an area of high concentration to low concentration. b. Prefixes Hyper , Hypo, and Iso 1. Hypertonic- is when the solute concentration is high and water is low. 2. Hypotonic- is when the solute concentration is low and the the water concentration is high 3. Isotonic- Is when the concentration levels outside and inside the cell are equal

14 Hypertonic and Hypotonic




18 5. Facilitated Diffusion is the use of transport proteins to aid the passage of particles across the plasma membrane. 1. Channel proteins are proteins that extend through the bilayer membrane ,and allow some molecules to pass through 2. Carrier proteins change the shape of the molecule which enables it to then pass through the membrane

19 6. Active Transport A. The use of transport proteins and energy to move molecules across a membrane B. Active transport is often refferred to as a pump.

20 7. Endocytosis and Exocytosis
A.Endocytosis is the process by which the plasma membrane engulfs substances that can not pass through the membrane. 1. Phagocytosis is the engulfing of solid pieces of material 2. Pinocytosis is the engulfing of liquid particles B. Exocytosis is the process that cells use to remove substances.


22 II. Cell Cycle is the life of a cell, which is
II. Cell Cycle is the life of a cell, which is made up of interphase and mitosis. A.Interphase is the non reproducing stage of the cell cycle. A cells will spend the majority of its life in this stage. 1. Cells grow 2. Important organelles are replicated 3. Cells prepare for mitosis

23 B. Mitosis is the process in which two identical cells are produced
PMAT 1. Prophase a. Disintegrating nucleoli b. Chromosomes become clearly visible Consists of two chromatids held together by a centromere c. Centrioles migrate toward the poles d. Spindle forms



26 2. Metaphase a. Spindles attach to the centromeres and move chromosomes toward the equator. b. Chromosomes line up in a straight line on the equator. 3. Anaphase a. Centromeres split b. Chromotids separate and move apart to the poles.


28 4. Telophase a. Membrane in animals begin to pinch off and form two cells b. In plants a cell plate appears and starts growing to form a cell wall


30 Mitosis

31 C. Protein Synthesis 1. RNA’s role a. Messenger RNA b. Transfer RNA
c. Ribosomal RNA 2. Transcription- Information transfer from DNA onto complementary mRNA. 3. Translation- the reading of mRNA and the assembly of proteins in the ribosomes.




35 III. Epithelial Tissue A. Special characteristics of epithelium
1. Close fitting to form one sheet. 2. Apical surface which is an exposed surface. 3. Lower surface is called the basement membrane 4. No blood supply. B. Classification of epithelium 1. Simple epithelia- one layer of cells. a. Simple squamous epithelium- thin layer with rapid diffusion B. Simple cuboidal epithelium- glands and ducts C. Simple Columnar epithelium -single tall layer digestive tract. D. Pseudostratified columnar epithelium- appears to be stratified



38 2. Stratified epithelia- More than one layer of cells.
a. Stratified squamous are found where there is a lot of fiction. b. Stratified cuboidal and columnar rare but may be found in some glands c. Transitional epithelium- able to endure stretching.

39 3. Grandular epithelium a. Endocrine glands - ductless secretion into blood vessels. b. Exocrine glands - ducts empty secretions onto external or internal body surface.

40 IV. Connective Tissue A. Characteristics of Connective Tissue
1. Protect, support, and bind together body tissues 2. Good blood supply 3.Extracellular matrix

41 B. Types of connective tissue
1. Bone- Support and protection 2. Cartilage-more flexible than bone. 3. Dense Connective Tissue- tendons and ligaments connect bones to bones. 4. Loose Connective Tissue- protects organs and stores fat. 5. Blood- fibers in blood become visible during clotting

42 V. Muscle Tissue VI. Nervous tissue A. Types of muscle tissue
1. Skeletal- Voluntary control of muscle contraction 2. Cardiac- Involuntary control of the heart. 3. Smooth muscle- Contraction or dilation of hollow organs. VI. Nervous tissue A. Neurons B. Supporting Cells

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