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Public Relations.

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1 Public Relations

2 Public Relations A public is any group that has an actual or potential interest in/ or impact on a company’s ability to achieve its objectives. Public Relations (PR) involves a variety of programs designed to promote and /or protect a company’s image or its individual products.

3 PR activities Press Relations: Presenting news and information about organization in the most positive light. Product Publicity: sponsoring various efforts to publicize specific products. Corporate communication: promoting understanding of the organization with internal and external communication. Lobbying: dealing with legislators and government officials to promote or defeat legislation and regulation. Counseling : Advising management about public issues and company positions and image. This include advising in the event of a mishap when public confidence in a product is shaken.

4 Marketing Public Relations
The old name for MPR was publicity, which was seen as the task of securing editorial space- as opposed to paid space- in print and broadcast media to promote or hype a product, place, or person. MPR goes beyond simple publicity and plays important role in the following tasks:

5 MPR Assisting in the launch of new product
Assisting in repositioning of a mature product Building interest in a product category Influencing specific target group Defending products that have encountered public problems Building the corporate image in a way that projects favorably on its products

6 Major decisions in marketing PR
Establishing the marketing objectives Choosing the PR Messages and Vehicles Implementing the MPR plan Evaluating the MPR results

7 Establishing the marketing objectives
Build Awareness Build credibility Stimulate the sales force and dealers Hold down promotion cost

8 Choosing the PR message and vehicles
Identify and develop interesting stories Identify and develop newsworthy events Event creation

9 Implementing the MPR plan

10 Evaluating the MPR results
Exposures Awareness/comprehension/attitude change Sales and profit contribution

11 Major tools in Marketing PR
Publications Annual report Sales brochures Articles Newsletter & magazine Audio-video materials

12 Major tools in Marketing PR
Events News conference Seminars Outings Exhibits Contests competitions Anniversaries sports and cultural sponsoring

13 Major tools in Marketing PR
News Speeches Public service activities Identity Media

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