Lucifer, the Archdeceiver

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Presentation on theme: "Lucifer, the Archdeceiver"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lucifer, the Archdeceiver

2 Lucifer, the Archdeceiver
Imagine you are an angel in heaven: How would you have reacted when Satan first voiced his discontent? Why would the angels have found it difficult to grasp what was happening or where it would lead? 12/4/2018 Lucifer, the Archdeceiver

3 Imagine yourself as Eve in the Garden of Eden:
How would you react to Lucifer speaking through the snake? When confronted with Satan’s temptations, who would have found it more difficult to grasp what was happening—sinless Eve or sinless angels? 12/4/2018 Lucifer, the Archdeceiver

4 How did sin originate in the perfect environment of heaven?
12/4/2018 Lucifer, the Archdeceiver

5 Lucifer, the Archdeceiver
What are the main features of God’s plan for dealing with sin and what do they say about God? 12/4/2018 Lucifer, the Archdeceiver

6 What role do we have today in the great controversy?
12/4/2018 Lucifer, the Archdeceiver

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