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Vocab list Ch. 8.

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1 Vocab list Ch. 8

2 1. Accolade N. Recognition of achievements
The new restaurant received several accolades for its tasty menu selection.

3 2. Aloof adj. Unwilling to be involved with other people
Dale became aloof with his friends after his girlfriend broke up with him.

4 3. Anathema N. Someone who is strongly disliked
He became an anathema in the community after he criticized the mayor for his decisions concerning the new business.

5 4. Assiduous adj. Persistent and hard-working effort
She was assiduous in her job as a nurse by making sure all her patients were well cared for.

6 5. Distain N. A feeling of contempt
Some people have distain for all the snow that falls because they don’t like shoveling it.

7 6. Eclectic Adj. Made up of parts from various sources
Vera has an eclectic collection of sea shells from all the seas and oceans around the world.

8 7. Eradicate V. To get rid of something completely
It would be a great achievement if we could eradicate Cancer.

9 8. Fledgling N. A young or inexperienced person
Being a fledgling in hiking, Henry had a hard time keeping up with his friend on the hill climb.

10 9. Germane adj. Relevant, related to something being discussed
In your essay, please use only germane ideas and don’t go off on a wild tangent.

11 10. Immutable adj. Not able to be changed
His immutable stance on immigration prevented him from being elected governor.

12 11. Impetuous adj. Acting on the spur of the moment, impulsive
His impetuous decision to yell at his boss landed Andy out of a job.

13 12. Incongruous adj. Out of place, not blending in with surroundings
The small aspen tree looked incongruous among the giant oak trees.

14 13. Infallible adj. Incapable of making a mistake
Cory thought he was infallible but soon realized his mistake when the police caught him for shoplifting.

15 14. Mitigate V. To make something less harsh
The police asked the judge to mitigate the sentence given to Steve for his shoplifting activities.

16 15. Obdurate adj. Stubborn, not easily persuaded
The obdurate little girl refused to wash her face after she slurped her spaghetti dinner.

17 Vocabulary practice assignment
Write 15 sentences that follow this pattern: If I _(vocab_) ,then ________. If I am obdurate, then I won’t change my mind about going to the store. If am an anathema, then no one will want to hear my views.

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