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Skeletal System DV 1-3 Review

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Presentation on theme: "Skeletal System DV 1-3 Review"— Presentation transcript:

1 Skeletal System DV 1-3 Review

2 The Skeleton Types of Bones What’s that word? Functions Other $100.00
Dean Vaughn Functions Other $100.00 $ $200.00 $300.00 $400.00 $500.00

3 The upper leg bone is known as the
femur Back to you Alex

4 The medical term for the breastbone is the…
Sternum Back to you Alex

5 Another name for the kneecap is the…
patella Back to you Alex

6 The medical term for the moving part of the skull is the…
mandible Back to you Alex

7 List the number of vertebrae in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae…
Back to you Alex

8 An example of a long bone is…
femur . Back to you Alex

9 An example of a short bone is…
Wrist bones Back to you Alex

10 An example of a flat bone is?
Skull Back to you Alex

11 An example of a sesamoid bone is…
Daily Double kneecap Back to you Alex

12 An example of an irregular bone is…
vertebrae Back to you Alex

13 What does hydropenia mean?
Decrease of water in the body Back to you Alex

14 What does Arthrodesis mean?
Surgical binding of a joint Back to you Alex

15 What does acrocyanosis mean?
A condition of blue coloring in the extremities Back to you Alex

16 What does the word osteocyte mean?
A cell found in the bone Bone cell Back to you Alex

17 The term chondrocostal pertains to…
The cartilage and ribs Back to you Alex

18 -oma tumor Back to you Alex

19 tele Distant, far away Back to you Alex

20 gram Record, write Back to you Alex

21 -rraphy Suture, suturing Back to you Alex

22 -strept; make up a word using strept
Daily Double Twisted streptococcus Back to you Alex

23 Ossification is the process of bone cells…
hardening Back to you Alex

24 A function of yellow bone marrow is for…
Fat storage Back to you Alex

25 Osteoclasts are responsible for…
Reabsorbing dead bone cells Back to you Alex

26 Daily Double One function of the skeletal system is…
Stores the mineral calcium Provides protection Structural framework Back to you Alex

27 The diaphysis of the long bone serve as…
Where the bone grows from; found on both ends of a long bone Back to you Alex

28 Which ribs are attached to the sternum by cartilage?
True ribs Back to you Alex

29 Which bone tissue is located in the superior/anterior portion of the skull?
Frontal bone Back to you Alex

30 Inflammation of the spinal column/ vertebrae
Spondylitis is… Inflammation of the spinal column/ vertebrae Back to you Alex

31 Fibrous joints or sutures
Which type of joint consists of inflexible dense layers of connective tissues? Fibrous joints or sutures Back to you Alex

32 Name 3 bones of the axial skeleton
Sacrum Coccyx Vertebrae Skull Costals mandible Back to you Alex

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