The Malta Qualifications Framework (MQF)

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Presentation on theme: "The Malta Qualifications Framework (MQF)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Malta Qualifications Framework (MQF)
Angelique Grech MQF Coordinator

2 Overview of the NCFHE The Entity responsible for:
The Malta Qualifications Framework The Recognition of Qualifications Licensing and Accreditation Quality Assurance Research and Consolation. to foster the development and achievement of excellence in further and higher education in Malta through research, effective licensing, accreditation, quality assurance and recognition of qualifications established under the Malta Qualifications Framework."

3 What are Qualifications Frameworks?
Make qualifications easier to understand and compare. Classify qualifications by level, based on learning outcomes. This classification reflects the content and profile of qualifications - what the holder of a certificate or diploma is expected to know, understand, and be able to do. 

4 The MQF – The European Context
EQF recommendation (2008) Over-arching meta-framework Readability Mobility Lifelong Learning QF/EHEA- The Bologna Declaration of European Ministers of Education on 19th June 1999 is a commitment by countries forming part of the European Higher Education Area to harmonize the architecture of the European higher education system by improving external recognition and facilitating student mobility as well as employability.



7 The MQF The development and classification of qualifications in Malta according to criteria using level descriptors applicable to specified levels of learning outcomes. Established in 2007. Subsidiary Legislation


9 The MQF addresses the following issues:
Transparency and understanding of qualifications; valuing all formal, informal and non-formal learning; consistency and coherence in relating to different qualifications frameworks in European and international cooperation; parity of esteem of qualifications from different learning pathways, including vocational and professional degrees and academic study programmes; lifelong learning, access and progression and mobility; the shift towards learning outcomes-based qualifications; a credit structure and units as building blocks of qualifications; the concept of mutual trust through quality assurance mechanisms that cut across all levels of the framework.

10 EQF Accreditation Recognition Validation MQF

11 Accreditation Accreditation is a process of evaluation of educational institutions and programmes according to the standards set by the National Commission for Further and Higher Education (NCFHE). As a result, a formal approval is granted by the NCFHE for further or higher education providers to operate in Malta; and a formal approval for further or higher education programmes and courses, in line with the Malta Qualifications Framework

12 Programme Accreditation
Further Education Programmes (MQF level 1 – 4) Higher Education Programmes (MQF Level 5 – 8) Licensing Further Education Centre Further Education Institution University Higher Education Institutions Further and Higher Education Institutions

13 Recognition It deals with the recognition and comparability of both academic and vocational qualifications through its Qualifications Recognition and Information Centre (QRIC). QRIC is the Malta Information Centre in the ENIC-NARIC Network. a formal acknowledgement by a competent authority of the value of a foreign educational qualifications with a view to access to educational and/or employment activities. The criteria used for the recognition of qualifications include the following: education system in the given country; status of awarding body and programmes of studies; access requirements; study workload; learning outcomes; level on the National Qualification Framework (NQF); takes into account previous recognition practices of similar qualifications.

14 Validation The process of recognising the skills, knowledge and competences an individual has acquired. This is benchmarked against learning outcomes measured and evaluated by a competent body against the said standard.  Informal - means a learning process resulting from daily life activities related to work, family or leisure, by which an individual acquires and accumulates knowledge, skills, attitudes, insight and competences from daily experiences and from exposure to one’s environment Non- formal - means learning embedded in a planned activity organised outside the formal educational system, which activity is not explicitly designed as learning but which contains an important learning component

15 Learning Outcomes Used to express the requirements or standards set by Qualifications. Allows people to move more easily between education and training institutions and sectors. Reflects the trends in education across Europe and enables easy comparison to the European Qualifications Framework.

16 Learning Outcomes What a person knows and understands
Knowledge Skills Competences What a person knows and understands What a person is able to do (practice) 1. Applying Knowledge & Understanding 2. Communication Skills 3. Judgemental Skills 4. Learning Skills What a person is responsible for (autonomy & responsibility)

17 1 Credit = 25hrs of total learning
Credit System 1 Credit = 25hrs of total learning Contact Self-Study Non-Formal Learning ECTS ECVET

18 Qualifications & Awards
An individual has achieved learning outcomes to the standards in terms of level descriptors on the MQF and a number of credits as specified in the Referencing Report. A qualification is the formal outcome of an assessment and validation process. Refers to the title of certification of learning achieved through courses which do not have the required number of credits at the specific MQF Level to be a considered as a Qualification.


20 Quality Assurance 1. safeguards the quality of further and higher education within the economic, social and cultural context, on a national, European and international level; 2. ensures the use of appropriate measures as a means of improving the quality of teaching, learning, training and research; and 3. communicates the outcome of such findings within an internal and external framework of accountability

21 The Purpose of the QA Framework
promote trust and confidence in Malta’s qualifications system on a national, European and global scale; support sound and robust qualifications based on a learning outcomes approach; establish a forum for sharing of expertise, experience and quality control of qualifications at national level, and serve as a point of reference and a referencing device.

22 Framework Principles A Framework based on the ESG and enriched by the EQAVET perspective A Framework that contributes to a National Culture of Quality IQA that is Fit for Purpose EQA that is a tool for both Development and Accountability The Quality Cycle at the Heart of the Framework Integrity and Independence of the EQA Process In practice, this means that it is not enough that the entity has IQA systems on paper or simply statutorily set up. The EQA needs to check that these systems are fit for purpose, are in fact functioning and effective, and are sustainable

23 Education & Training Providers
Who benefits? Learners Employers Education & Training Providers Workers Public at large

24 Thank You For further information: NCFHE: www. ncfhe. gov
Thank You For further information: NCFHE:

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