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The Changing Political Landscape

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1 The Changing Political Landscape
Kurt Janson Director

2 The Tourism Alliance Umbrella Trade Association formed in 2001 to “speak with one voice” to Government on tourism issues. Comprises 55 member organisations that represent some 200,000 businesses. Purpose is to lobby and work with Government on policies that support the tourism industry and its contribution to the economy.



5 5 Point Plan For Tourism

6 The Five Points The Tourism Landscape Skills and Jobs Common Sense Regulation Transport A GREAT Welcome

7 The Tourism Landscape VisitEngland Merged into VisitBritian Reduced Domestic Marketing Establishment of an Inter-Ministerial Group and Tourism Industry Council

8 The Flow of Tourism Policy
Tourism Industry Council Departments Tourism Businesses VB/VE/DCMS Industry

9 Tourism Industry Council Issues Deregulation
CANs Taxi Licenses Money Laundering VAT Refund Apprenticeships Trial Fit with Seasonality Welcome Improvements to the Visa offering

10 The Tourism Landscape - Funding Reducing Grant-in-Aid Funding
Increasing Challenge Funding Regional Tourism Funds Coastal Communities Fund Rural Tourism Fund Discover England Fund Regionalisation Settlements for Cities Retention of Local Taxes

11 Retention of Local Taxes
Retain all Local Taxes including Business Rates Abolish the Uniform Business Rate Core Grant to be Phased Out Allow a Premium for Infrastructure Projects Will this create “Have” and “Have Not” destinations ?

12 England Discovery Fund
For Product Development Associated with Inbound Tourism To develop 3-4 Bookable “Itineraries” Need to show Co-operation across the Sector Bids to be Developed this Year and Winners Announced Next Year

13 England Discovery Fund

14 Accommodation Grading Scheme
Contract with G4S ends on 31 March Government Looking at Off-Loading the Scheme to the Private Sector Working with DCMS on a Transfer to the Industry Need to Maintain Links with VisitEngland on Business Support

15 School Holidays Successful challenge to section 444 of the Education Act Government telling Education Authorities to “ignore” ruling Expect Consultation in Autumn Consultation could include options for Staggering Holidays

16 Current Consultations Rural Planning
Highlighted the interdependence of Tourism and Agriculture Emphasised need to allow Diversification Business Broadband Highlighted poor performance in rural areas Emphasised that improvements were needed both for Businesses and Customers Tipping and Service Charges Needs to be resolved for Customers and Staff

17 The Changing Political Landscape
Kurt Janson Director

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