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Global Warming.

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Presentation on theme: "Global Warming."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Warming

2 On a clean sheet of paper, write down 5 questions you have about global warming

3 Climate Change vs. Global Warming

4 Climate Change Any significant change in the earth’s climate over an extended period of time

5 Climate Change Natural Factors Changes in sun’s intensity
Changes in earth’s orbit

6 Climate Change Natural Processes Changes within the climate system
Ocean circulation patterns Air circulation patterns

7 Climate Change Human Activities Fossil Fuels Deforestation
Urbanization Desertification

8 Global Warming The increase in the earth’s temperature due to an increase in greenhouse gases

9 Why is the inside of your car hot when it sits in the sun?

10 Greenhouse Effect The warming effect of the atmosphere caused by the trapping of heat from the earth by gasses in the atmosphere Not a bad thing! Earth could not support life without it!

11 Greenhouse Gases Gases that trap heat and prevent it from being radiated out into space

12 Greenhouse Gases H2O CO2 Most important CFC CH4 NOx
Chlorofluorocarbons: foams, aerosols, refrigerants Wetlands, rice paddies, fossil fuels, livestock Fossil Fuels, fertilizers, industry

13 Fact The earth’s temperature has increased oF in the past century

14 Fact 11 of the 12 warmest years on record have occurred since 1995

15 Fact Arctic sea ice is rapidly melting.


17 Fact Glaciers are disappearing



20 When did Global Warming Begin?
Pleistocene Age – 18,000 years ago Earth thaws and freezes every 100,000 years Interglacial period Industrial Revolution

21 Major Contributors to Global Warming
Power Plants: 40% of CO2 emissions Cars: 20% of CO2 emissions Airplanes: 3.5% of CO2 emissions Buildings: 12% of CO2 emissions

22 Major Contributors to Global Warming
1 gallon of gas = 19.6 lbs CO2 Dodge Durango: CO2 Honda Insight: CO2

23 Major Contributors to Global Warming
Levels are increasing 1958 – 314ppm 1994 – 358ppm 2005 – 379ppm

24 Major Contributors to Global Warming
CH4 20 times more effective as CO2 at trapping heat CH4 only lasts in atmosphere for 10 years CO2 lasts 100 years Permafrost Self perpetuating cycle

25 What do we know for sure? Human activity is increasing GHG concentrations in atmosphere Increases in GHG warm the planet The average global temperature has increased by 1oF over the last century

26 What do we not know for sure?
Extent of human influence on increase in GHG and temperature How much temperatures will rise in the future

27 What do we not know? Impacts on:
Agriculture Water Resources Forests Wildlife Coastal Areas Links b/t global warming and tropical storms/El Nino

28 Scientists are more certain of global impacts than local impacts

29 What are the consequences of global warming?

30 Weather More severe storms Increased drought More intense rain events
Rising sea levels Melting polar and glacial ice Increasing ocean temperatures

31 Human Health Heat waves Asthma and respiratory illnesses
Infectious diseases Agriculture

32 Wildlife 20-30% of all species could face increased risk of extinction
Timing of seasonal migrations and cycles Shifts in ecosystems Disruption of food webs Polar Bears

33 What’s happening today?
The Debate What’s happening today?

34 Al Gore rebuts Palin's climate change claims
Climate: 2009 Caps Hottest Decade on Record Climate Deal Likely to Bear Big Price Tag EPA: Greenhouse gases are harmful to humans Climate Skeptics Hold a Conference China, U.S. trade barbs at climate talks Climate Talks Open With Calls for Urgent Action Global Warming Disclosure Reveals Strategic Thinking

35 Environmental Protection Agency
New report released Dec. 7, 2009 Greenhouse Gases Threaten Public Health and the Environment Science overwhelmingly shows greenhouse gas concentrations at unprecedented levels due to human activity

36 Environmental Protection Agency
Increased heat waves Sick, poor and elderly Ground level ozone People with asthma & respiratory illnesses

37 Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. Supreme Court 2007 GHG fit the definition of pollutants Can be regulated under Clean Air Act

38 Environmental Protection Agency
What does this mean? Higher standards for fuel economy More $$ for alternative fuel research

39 Copenhagen Dec. 8-18 192 Nations 15th Meeting UNFCCC
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

40 UNFCCC United Nations Began at 1992 Rio Earth Summit
Ratified by 192 countries Global agenda for climate change Kyoto Protocol

41 Kyoto Protocol Written in 1997 “Put into force” in 2005 Goal:
Reduce GHG emissions to 5% above 1990 levels by 2012

42 Kyoto Protocol “Developing” countries exempt Carbon trading
Heavy producers can buy credits from light producers Credits for sustainable carbon offsets

43 Kyoto Protocol Member countries commit to reducing GHG
Only one industrialized nation not a member United States Bush administration opposed Bad for economy Exemption of developing countries

44 Copenhagen Goals What will happen after Kyoto expires?

45 Copenhagen Goals Forging a shared vision Long term cooperation
Global goal for emission reductions

46 Copenhagen Goals Actions for all nations to curb emissions
Developed and developing Measurable Reportable Verifiable

47 Copenhagen Goals Financial help for poor countries

48 Copenhagen Goals Development and sharing of clean energy technology

49 Copenhagen Goals Curbing deforestation in developing countries
Promoting sustainable forest management and conservation in developed countries

50 What do the skeptics say?
There is no conclusive evidence that climate change is happening The changes in measured temperatures are part of the natural cycle

51 What do the skeptics say?
Even if the changes are human induced, the scale is not enough to do us any harm The economic impact of making substantial cuts in greenhouse gas emissions on the scale suggested by the IPCC or other groups is too large

52 “Climategate” Thousands of stolen emails Climate Research Unit
13 years Criticize, make fun of skeptics Question data No proof

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