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Grades & Academics August 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Grades & Academics August 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grades & Academics August 2018

2 Grades Grades are recorded as numerical grades and calculated on a 4.0 scale. The grading scale is as follows.  Letter Grade Range Quality Points  A   B   C   D   F

3 Weighted Courses & Grade Point Average
Honors courses receive a half quality point. Advanced Placement (AP) courses will receive one quality points. Remedial courses are not eligible for weighting.

4 Promotion Standards & Grade Level Classification
Grade level classification is based on the credits a student earns for passing his or her classes. Sophomore = 6 credits Junior = 13 credits Senior = 19 credits (to be eligible to graduate in the spring) Graduation = 27 credits 4 English, 4 math, 3 science, 4 social studies, and Health & PE 4 core concentration in CTE, arts, or world language

5 Exam Exemption Students may not exempt state tests (EOC Exams, CTE Final Exams, & NCFEs). Only seniors my exempt exams if they meet all of the following criteria (exemption is optional). earn at least a B (80%) average in the course. 3 or less absences in the course. no suspensions in the semester. AP students who take the AP exam are exempt from the teacher made final exam.

6 Academic Dishonesty Work submitted to a teacher must be one’s original work. Students guilty of academic dishonesty will receive no credit for the assignment. Teachers will contact the parents of offenders and repeated infractions will result in a discipline referral.

7 Social Media, Bullying, Fighting and Verbal Altercations
August 2018

8 Social Networking Be carful what you post!
Your digital footprint never goes away. The school can discipline if your posts cause a disruption to the school environment.

9 Don’t be a bully! HARASSMENT Students are expected to demonstrate respect for teachers, other students, and themselves. The Cabarrus County Board of Education expressly prohibits unlawful discrimination, harassment or bullying, including on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, pregnancy, religion, age, physical appearance or disability. Refer to Board policy code: 1710/4021/7230 for a more detailed explanation of this policy. Bullying and/or harassing are strictly prohibited. The repeated pattern of intimidation may be real or threatened. There are 3 types of bullying: physical, emotional, and relational. Bullying may include, but is not limited to, verbal taunts, name calling, implied or stated threats, and exclusion from peer groups. Bullying can occur in person or through social networking sites, texting, blogging, and the internet. Students who feel bullied, harassed or intimidated at school by an adult or another student should report the concern to a teacher, administrator or other staff member at school. Bullying and Harassment Reporting Forms are available on the CCS website, and in the CMHS front office. Students who violate this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including a recommendation for alternative placement.

10 Listen Assume the positive Talk to an adult Mediation
When Issues Happen Gossip Post messages Verbal altercations Physical Altercations Listen Assume the positive Talk to an adult Mediation

11 Thanks!

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