10 TH GRADE CAREER EXPLORATION Career Exploration using www.careercruising.com All CHS students have an account which must be activated: Username: CNUSD-six.

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3 Career Exploration using www.careercruising.com All CHS students have an account which must be activated: Username: CNUSD-six digit id #Example: CNUSD-123456 Password: first initial of first name, first initial of last name, month, day and year of birth Example Suzy Jones April 6, 1995 Password: sj461995 Activate your account

4 Read the terms and conditions check the box below and click submit

5 Explore Assessments 1. Click on the Explore Assessments Icon along the left side of your screen 2. Next click on Career Matchmaker

6 Career Matchmaker Continued Read the instructions and click on start now to answer the 39 questions. Your answers to these questions will match you to a career. If you are unsure of the meaning of a question click on the blue button for a brief explanation.

7 Career Results-Save to Portfolio Save your career matchmaker as 10 th grade program

8 Career Results-Saving to Portfolio Read through four of your suggested careers and save all four of them to your portfolio by clicking on

9 Filing out the Career Cruising Worksheet Once you have chosen a career to research more thoroughly answer questions 1-7 based on that career. Question 7 asks you to write down two schools that offer training for this career. Be sure to so you can access this information later.

10 Reality Check After you have completed questions 1-7, Open a separate tab and log in to www.californiarealitycheck.com www.californiarealitycheck.com Click on Please note it is very important to have written down an answer to 4 in order to complete the reality check effectively. Please ask a counselor if you are unable to locate this information.

11 Reality Check How will you spend the money you will be earning in your chosen career to pay for housing, transportation, etc…..??? Now…choose a California City you would like to live in. Note: Some cities will cost more than others to live in, for example it will cost you more for housing in San Francisco than it will in Riverside City.

12 Reality Check Choose where you would like to live (house, 1 bedroom apt., 2 bedroom apt., an efficiency, or live at home) then chose next.

13 Reality Check Continue this activity by choosing which utilities you would like, then click next. Continue through each screen choosing food, transportation, clothing, healthcare, personal, entertainment, miscellaneous, and savings.

14 Reality Check-Student Loan Debt Dont forget, you need to pay for your education. Choose the type of degree you need for your career and the type of school you will be attending (Public college, Private College, or for profit college). This will factor in you student loan debt into your monthly expenses. Continue to the next screen to get your GRAND TOTAL

15 Can you afford this Lifestyle???? If you annual expense is more than your annual earnings then you will be in debt -$! Make some adjustments to your reality check (start over and try again) until you are spending less than you are earning.

16 Survey We appreciate your feedback please take our survey, the link can be found through the Corona High School Website (directions for locating this can be found at the bottom of your worksheet).

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