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What were the impacts of Typhoon Haiyan?

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Presentation on theme: "What were the impacts of Typhoon Haiyan?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What were the impacts of Typhoon Haiyan?
AF3· to describe impacts and responses of a hazard

2 PAIRED DISCUSSION – Take turns to describe different features of this image to your partner.
Better answers will include a range of impacts with suitable adjectives and verbs. For example: Colourful buildings have collapsed to rubble, with only the shell of a few, stronger, buildings left standing. Once, large roads have vanished under the fine debris of wood, stone and metal.

3 Write a short paragraph to describe this image.
Your goal is to build a picture in the mind of the reader, so that they can visualise it. Therefore, include appropriate adjectives and verbs. 3. Peer assessment discussion – give suggestions on better and more adjectives and verbs. 2. Share it with your partner.

4 This is the same place a year after the typhoon
This is the same place a year after the typhoon. We call the events that have happened between the two images the ‘response’. Describe the response that would have had to happen to create the second image a year later. (Aim to list 5 responses) Extension question: Explain who would organise and finance this response.

5 Produce a on the information you’ve read about.
TASK: You have been given two sources, scan through the information – impacts and response. Produce a on the information you’ve read about. 1) The aim of your wordle is to build an image of what happened in the readers mind. Use adjectives to help recreate this. Watch the clip to first build the image in your mind. 2) The more times a word is mentioned the bigger you write it, while least important information is written small or not at all. 3) Include relevant numbers. 4) The viewer should also know which words link to impacts and which link to response, e.g. by using different colour or fonts

6 Plenary: Test your partner on the relevance of the words or numbers
Plenary: Test your partner on the relevance of the words or numbers. Do they know which words are linked to impacts and which to response?

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