WP1 Vidyo Meeting 16 October 2018

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1 WP1 Vidyo Meeting 16 October 2018
Gerardo D’Auria Andrea Latina Regina Rochow

2 Please check if it has been delivered
XLS Consortium Agreement We have sent an original copy of the CompactLight Consortium Agreement to each partner ( dated 09 October 2018). The CA copy, approved and signed by all the 24 Partners of the project, was addressed to: Please check if it has been delivered

3 including all the feedbacks received from the Partner
NDA with SAC We are finalizing the last version of the Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with the SAC Members including all the feedbacks received from the Partner

4 XLS USERs Meeting@CERN,
November 27-28, 2018 Aim and objectives: Gather the USERs demands for FELs Facilities, in the medium and long-term perspectives, from the Scientific Community. The invited speakers will be asked to give a short presentation highlighting: The FEL requirements, in term of photon beam characteristics for their current activities and future research”.

5 The registration form is open at https://indico.cern.ch/event/750792/
XLS USERs The registration form is open at Participants should book their room at the CERN hostel before Friday 26.10 Instructions are given in the homepage (left menu) A detailed agenda will be circulated this week

6 XLS User meeting

7 XLS Annual meeting Barcelona
The 1st CompactLight Annual Meeting and Project Review Joint Session will be held at ALBA Synchrotron from 10 – 12 December, 2018. Hotel Exe Campus in Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona) A preliminary draft agenda could be find at: The registration deadline is November 26, 2018  Hotel booking is as first come first serve basis.



10 Publishing CompactLight Reports
Guidelines: Reports are for documenting results Useful to let other people use and refer to results We prefer fast publishing, no need for a “too formal” review process Conference papers can be published They will appear on the CompactLight website (data management plan) 10

11 CompactLight Reports publication
Publication procedure: The report must be reviewed and approved by the concerned work package leader The report must then be sent to Andrea, Gerardo, and Regina, for: General quality validation Assignment of a note number Add of the official cover page Publishing on-line on the XLS web page 11

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