Journal Entry #96 Title: teaching 4-Square

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1 Journal Entry #96 Title: teaching 4-Square
Need: HELPS Handout, Inferences Packet, Dictionary Agenda: JE#96 Comma/Semi-colon Complete HELPS Handout Mini-Lesson Inference The Open Boat Write an essay explaining the importance of teaching. On your own paper, write the prompt. You have 12 minutes to complete a 4-square for the above prompt. Identify the topic + position Write a strong thesis statement for the prompt Give 2 concrete details using HELPS Write a concluding statement Be ready to share.

2 Tuesday: © Presto Plans

3 Tuesday: I’ve: The apostrophe was missing in the contraction I’ve.
anniversary / exceed / anyone / suggestions: All of these words were misspelled. girlfriend’s: An apostrophe is required here as it indicates possession. Anyone / suggestions: Anyone is one word. Suggestions was misspelled. suggestions? I don’t have too: A question was asked, so a question mark must be used. As a result, a new sentence starts with an uppercase letter. The apostrophe was missing in the contraction don’t. Too is a synonym for also or means an excess of something. To is used as a preposition. spend, but: A comma separates two sentences with a conjunction (but). jewelry or jewellery: This word was misspelled. There are two different accepted spellings: jewelry (USA) or jewellery (England). © Presto Plans

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