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Mrs. Meyer -Accounting-

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Meyer -Accounting-"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Meyer -Accounting-
True Colors Mrs. Meyer -Accounting-

2 Line 1 = Orange Line 2 = Gold Line 3 = Blue Line 4 = Green
Color Assignments Line 1 = Orange Line 2 = Gold Line 3 = Blue Line 4 = Green

3 Succeeding With Your Gold Friends
Remember to be on time Try to be extra organized and efficient They are generous but like things returned Do what you say you will do Be dependable and loyal Respect their need for security

4 Succeeding with your ORANGE friends
Be active with them, don’t slow them down Be spontaneous and fun, not a heavy Compete in fun when appropriate Be adventurous and optimistic Be energetic and ready to go

5 Succeeding with your BLUE friends
Spend quality time one-on-one with them Be aware that they wear their heart on their sleeve Listen to them as they listen to you Be supportive Share your thoughts and feelings Praise their imagination and creativity

6 Succeeding with your GREEN friends
Be aware of their curiosity about life Give things that challenge their problem-solving abilities Respect their need for independence Know that they are caring even though they may not show their feelings easily Respect their inventions and ideas

7 Improve personal relationships with a Bright Gold by…
Care about their need for security Do some reasonable planning Praise their responsible actions Remember sentimental moments Acknowledge their stability Respond to important dates

8 Improve personal relationships with a Bright Orange by…
Recognize their need for freedom Value their playfulness Help them to think before they act Spontaneously playing with them Realize their stress comes from lack of excitement Reinforce their optimism Praise their skills Respond to their generosity

9 Improve personal relationships with a Bright Green by…
Recognize their need for independence Value their abstract thinking Help them with day to day details Preserve their privacy to think and read Accept their lack of romantic gestures Realize stress is from fear of appearing foolish Allow them to be self-critical Understand they esteem themselves by being competent Praise their ingenuity

10 Improve personal relationships with a Bright Blue by…
Making romantic gestures Having intimate talks Recognize their need to contribute Provide the warm touch and embrace Reassure your loving commitment to them Express your feelings Be open and responsive

11 Improve Job Performances of a Bright Gold by…
Assign work which requires detailed planning and careful follow-through Define tasks in clear and concrete terms Being punctual and reliable Provide a well-structured stable work environment and avoid abrupt changes Give standard rules/regulations; set a good example Give tangible recognition for their work

12 Improving Job Performances with Bright Gold Continued…
Share in the responsibilities and duties of the work-place, and by taking the work ethic seriously Praise their neatness, organizational, capabilities and efficiency Give feedback on any project to reassure that they are on the right track Recognize their need for straightforward, dependable, responsible, business-minded

13 Improve Job Performances of a Bright Orange by…
Assign projects that are action-packed and require hands-on approach Provide opportunities to be skillful and adventurous Let them use their natural abilities as negotiators Allow them freedom to do the job their own style and in non-traditional ways Keep a good sense of humor to avoid boredom while on the job

14 Improving Job Performances with Bright Orange Continued…
Encourage them to use their gifts of originality and flair Provide them with opportunities for job competition Allow freedom of movement and understand their preference for action over words Praising their performance and skillfulness while on the job

15 Improve Job Performances of a Bright BLUE by…
Create a warm personal working atmosphere Interact as much as possible with openness and honesty Establish a harmonious working environment and avoid conflict and hostility Show your support, caring, and appreciation by offering a touch, hug, or handshake

16 Improving Job Performances with Bright Blue Continued…
Allow them freedom to express feelings and time to heal emotional wounds Make use of their natural gifts of communication, nurturing, and people-oriented ideas Praise their imaginative and creative approach to the job Provide them with one-on-one feedback

17 Improve Job Performances of a Bright Green by…
Assign projects which require analytical thinking and problem-solving Discussing “big picture” with them and by eliciting their universal outlook Inspire them with futuristic ideas and potentialities Respect their inclination to go beyond the established rules

18 Improving Job Performances with Bright Green Continued…
Allow them freedom to improve the system Take their ideas to the next step and encourage them to think independently Praise their inventiveness and ingenuity Understand their need to avoid redundancy/repetitive tasks Recognize and appreciate their competence in the job


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