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Columbian Exchange.

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1 Columbian Exchange


3 The Columbian Exchange was a sea trade connecting the “Old World” (Europe) and the “New World” (the Americas).

4 Triangle of Trade In a cycle called the “Triangle of Trade”, goods were exchanged between Europe and Africa, Africa and the Americas, and the Americas to Europe.

5 Some important items that went from Europe to the Americas
Wheat Coffee Sugar Peaches Livestock (pigs, cattle, and sheep)

6 Some important items that went from Africa to the Americas -horses -goats -pigs
-some manufactured goods

7 Some important items that went from the Americas to Europe -squash -maize -beans -potatoes
-tomatoes - peppers - cacao beans (chocolate)

8 Cacao

9 Cacao

10 But . . . food and animals were not the only thing traded across the Atlantic.
People, diseases, and weapons were also exchanged.

11 Impact of the Columbian Exchange
Europeans introduced new diseases to the Americas including small pox , measles, and influenza.

12 Impact of the Columbian Exchange
Many tribes lost 50 to 75 percent of their population.

13 Impact of the Columbian Exchange
African slaves were brought in to take the place of native laborers who died from European diseases. Many settlers moved to the America’s to colonize the new lands. These new settlers brought their own languages and religions with them.

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